Transcript of the Natural and Economic Resources of the Arab World
The Natural and Economic Resources of the Arab World to have an introduction about the third unit, and about the Arab industries, as well as the importing and exporting of the Arab World. Objective: Introduction This unit or chapter is talking about the natural and economical resources of the Arab World. Agricultural resources The main source of national income of these Arab Countries is derived from agriculture: Mineral resources Oil is transported via pipelines from the oil fields to the tankers shipped to all parts of the world. Industries of the Arab World Development of industries requires: More about Industries:
1- Food,
2- Textile and weaving
3- Iron and steel,
4- Oil (petrochemicals)
5- Chemical fertilisers,
6- ) Building and construction Trade Oil ; natural gas, Human Resources )
1- Cities
2- Cultivated areas,
3- Along the coats and riverbanks,
4- Industrial areas