The orientalists studied the biography of Prophet and they wrote about the history of Islam in all days through until the present day, they specified a lot fabrications on The Rashidun Caliphate because they thought if the libel in the biography is not enough, so libel in personalities of these companions, and they believed if they doubt those who transferred Islam to us, then their allegation will devastate this religion. Some Orientalists claimed that, as the Prophet peace be upon him died, three companions plotted to distribute and inheritance the authority. When these bigoted talked about the Islamic conquests, they tried to interpret on the basis of their European history and their physical perception of things, These conquests in their views were search for booty and material gains, as described by another Orientalist that it was the last waves of migration from the Arabian Peninsula which knew such migrations in the past when its resources be few. Orientalist does not Take pains to search about the fact of Muslims causes for the Islamic conquests which was to spread the message of Islam, that called for the liberation of human beings from the slavery of past empires, but of all types of Slaveries, and opening the way to call for Allah Almighty.