codes: 0320, 0340, 1391
Out of the blue, at then end of a normal partial hi-way, partial back-road 20-mile or so drive, my 2002 Overland stalls in stop and go traffic, check engine comes on, then will barely run. Revving it up in neutral to keep it going. Occasional popping and backfiring. I'm thinking fuel filter or bad gas--having just filled it the evening before.
I get it into the parking garage, then get back to it 8 hours later, and it runs fine and without incident for 2 or 3, 3-5-mile runs here and there before starting the same thing for the rest of the 20-mile ride home. Next morning I check the codes, and 0320, 0340, and 1391 are what it shows.
Note that it had been idling badly at times- super high RPMs at start-up, then surging, etc. I had gotten that to reduce for a time by taking apart and cleaning all the fuel body stuff, but it had stated again. I also note that I hardly drive this thing in the summer, using, mostly, my Wrangler and Low-Rider.
I don't even know where to begin. Any suggestions appreciated.