Persistence – Ability to stick to a task until it is completed. Accomplished by having a repertoire of alternative
strategies for problem solving.
Evidence: collecting evidence; drawing on previous experiences; applying past knowledge; asking for
clarification; consulting books/references.
► Listening with understanding and empathy – Ability to demonstrate understanding and empathy for
another person’s ideas.
Evidence: being able to paraphrase another person’s idea accurately, build upon it, clarify it, and/or give an
example of it.
Listen for: “Pete’s idea is…, but Sara thinks….” “You’re upset because…”
► Thinking flexibly – Ability to approach a problem from a new angle using a novel approach.
Evidence: considering, expressing, or paraphrasing other people’s ideas, points of view or rationales; finding
different ways of solving the same problem; generating many ideas; reluctance to see closure to group work.
Listen for: “However…” “If you look at it another way,” “John’s idea is….”