► Applicant: “I wanted to become a teacher to be able to make a positive difference on the future of children. For me, it is great/fulfilling challenge: stimulating the next generation to become lifelong learners. I have always been grateful to the educational system for implanting values in me and at this juncture, I feel I should contribute what I have learnt and experienced over the years. This way I will be paying back and at the same time can fulfill my desire of enhancing the education system.”
Clearly, the applicant seems to be concerned about the present educational system and by mentioning the word ‘contribute’ he/she states his/her strong sense of motivation and thus, distinguishes his/her candidature from the rest.
Further, the applicant can state and validate his/her basic interest in the job profile. By doing so, he/she will catch the interviewer’s attention and the interviewer will understand that the applicant is aware and interested in the nature of the job profile.
► Applicant: “I can’t think of any job as important to society as teaching. I have always loved to give young people the best start in life. Interacting with kids is great. Be it on educational grounds or recreational activities, it is a lot more fun interacting and learning with kids. As a hobby, I have been giving tutorials to kids at the neighborhood community center.”
The applicant has been able to put forward his/her reason for interest in the job profile. ‘I love to interact’ and ‘I have been giving tutorials’ highlight the fact that the candidate is aware of the intricacies of the job and has some sound experience in the same.
The applicant can further state his/her skill sets that are the prerequisites for the job in question.
► Applicant: “I want to be a teacher for developing a new generation of thinking individuals. Being a goal oriented person with tons of patience, I am sure I will be able to gel with kids and train them in the required subjects with utmost care and concern for achieving the educational goals.”
Since being focused on achieving educational goals and being patient are key abilities that a good teacher must possess, by mentioning these skills, the interviewee finally wins the heart of the interviewer. Keep in mind all of these points, and be honest and assertive while answering the question.