النتائج (
العربية) 1:
H. Guidance on Selection of ProjectsThe following criteria will be used by the Strategic Review Committees (SRC) when reviewingpotential projects. Partners who wish to be successful in getting their respective project fundedshould consider demonstrating adherence to the following guidance in their proposals.Submission ofProposalsOrganisations must use the HPF Grant Management System (GMS) to submitproposals in the English language (cbpf.unocha.org). Proposals submittedoutside the GMS will not be considered.Duration of Projects Maximum 12 months per projectNumber of Projects byPartnerA maximum of two project proposals by partner will be accepted. Partnerscan however submit proposals covering multiple sectors by using the multiclusteroption in the GMS.CoordinationProjects that are not coordinated (discussed) with the respective clustercoordinator(s) ahead of time will be automatically rejected. This is to helpstrengthen coordination efforts and avoid duplications, as well as limit thenumber of proposals received that are not aligned to the cluster’s strategy.Gender MainstreamingProjects must demonstrate an analysis of relevant gender issues, activitiesdesigned to address gender differences, and targets/indicators that will enablereporting on distinct benefits to males and females (Gender Marker Code 2)4
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