Assignment #45
December 7th, 2016
1. XX has endeavored to ensure that all the information on the website is correct, but XX neither warrants nor makes any representations regarding the quality, accuracy or completeness of any data or information contained. XX makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning the website and/or its contents and disclaims all warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and warranties of merchantability in respect of services, including any liability, responsibility or any other claim, whatsoever, in respect of any loss, whether direct or consequential, to any user or any other person, arising out of or from the use of the information contained in the website.
2. Since XX acts only as a source of information and announcement, it shall not have any liability whatsoever for any aspect of the arrangements between the service provider and the user as regards the standards of services provided by the service providers. In no circumstances shall XX be liable for the services provided by the service provider.