man (Like the prophet named after Surat Luqman which means wisdom). I like my name so much because like the way people respond to it muslim and non muslims, makes proud and grateful to my mum and dad for choosing that name. I am doing a Master in Global Political Economy at the moment but I do really want to get married as soon as possible, insha Allah. I’m nowhere near perfect and non-one is so In shaa’Allah I would like to continue to embark and share on this journey with my future spouse in continually seeking and learning knowledge about the Deen. Allah knows best. I am a kind, emotionally good listener. My hobbies are photography - I like taking pictures of ordinary things or people, that onlookers might unnoticed. When I am not doing that, I am writing, researching, studying, watching films or organising events that help to raise awareness about social, economical, political issues and of course cooking. I cook all my meals from scratch. I so love travelling to enjoy scenic geographical view. As for fun, I do know how to have fun by keeping it halaliable. My greatest strength is empathy and determination. I am also very ambitious and an active dreamer. I work very hard to transform my dreams into reality. I take any situation that fate throws along my way head-on, strategically, and turn it into positive energy. my weakness is height. I am planning someday to use these skills to start my own business. I enjoy exercising, eg swimming (though I'm not a great swimmer, I enjoy being in the water) and I like going for a walk at the seafront or in the woods. My best sport is Tennis. I am definitely a 'homey' lad and I love family. I love cooking my food from scratch. I cycle a lot - most of the time from Brighton to Saltdean. Towns between these two places have beautiful scenery along the South East Coast of England to watch the sunset. You should see it too. :) My weaknesses are being in large crowds and Chronic Hepatitis B. I am a bit intimidated by socialising in large crowds and find it difficult to contribute to discussions. I suffer from Chronic Hepatitis B and some symptoms such as fatigue. But I'm learning to live with my condition, and I try not to let it break me or slow me down. Please do not be alarmed, if you are interested. My liver specialist advised me that a would partner could be vaccinated and would be immunised against the Hepatitis B virus for life, so I hope that my condition does not dampen your interest. Well, hola at me if you feel me :) Masalm
What am I looking for?
(Sorry! A bit of long story here) I hate the nationalistic, tribal and racial dichotomy line that muslims something draw when it comes to marriage and the feeling sometimes that the born muslims exhibit when muslim reverts get very zealous about their deen and making them feel are not muslim enough. When I was living in Nottingham in 2010, I met a non Muslim white British friend, whom to my surprise reverted to Islam after we met. I never new my deeds as a muslim like going to pray and social interaction and conversation has effect on him. That was the first time I met a revert. His enthusiastic endeavour not only opened my eyes to many things I took for granted as one born into islam but also energized my believe, view of Islam and changed my perception of my identity as a black African to just a muslim. His revert effect on my life make me see wisdom and virtue in Surat Al-Ĥujurāt 49:13 'O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.' Becase of him, my devotion towards Allah has be re - energised and keep me on my toes. The verse symbolizes, to me, organic multiculturalism which is now today a buzz word in the secular society we live. I understand and I can see that multiculturalism is sunnah. Since then, I have decided, as my duty and act of worship towards Allah, I will do my best to marry a revert woman outside my culture, race and nationality. Dont missunderstand me. This is not about marrying a revert woman out of my race as a show off trophy as other men do. I believe a muslim revert energetic passion and the love for Allah and His prophet (SAW) is a blessing and would help both of us rekindle, encourage and put me on toes and stay focus Islamically, insha Allah. As well, I would be happy to share all my knowledge about Islam with you. I am looking for revert woman who is not afraid of support, loving and caring nature and commitment. Who will not be scared to be truelly loved tenderly and wholeheartedly and would love me back. Someone who will not be alarmed by my health adversities, who can see what I can offer, that can rise up to the occasion and be willing to take a chance on me. I dont my mind if you have got children already but I would mind if you dont want have children with me. Well if you agree with the above Quranic verse, you dont mind halalic interracial marriage and you think I would be great partner for you and I have all features that suit your liking, I would be
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
الرجل (مثل النبي سميت "سورة لقمان" الذي يعني الحكمة). أنا أحب اسمي كثيرا لأنه مثل الناس طريقة الرد عليه المسلمين وغير المسلمين، يجعل الفخر والامتنان لبلدي أمي وأبي لاختيار هذا الاسم. أقوم به على درجة ماجستير في "الاقتصاد السياسي العالمي" في الوقت الراهن ولكن أريد حقاً أن تتزوج في أقرب وقت ممكن، وأن شاء الله. أنا أي مكان بالقرب من الكمال، وغير واحد حتى في شاأالة أود أن تواصل السير ومشاركة في هذه الرحلة مع زوجي المستقبل في السعي باستمرار وتعلم المعارف حول الدين. الله أعلم. وأنا النوع، مستمع جيد عاطفياً. هواياتي هي التصوير الفوتوغرافي--أنا أحب التقاط الصور من الأمور العادية أو الشعب، التي ربما المتفرجين دون أن يلاحظها أحد. عندما لا أشعر بذلك، أنا كتابة، والبحث، ودراسة، ومشاهدة الأفلام أو تنظيم الأحداث التي تساعد على رفع مستوى الوعي حول القضايا الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية، وطبعا الطبخ. أنا طبخ جميع الوجبات بلادي من الصفر. حتى أنا أحب السفر للاستمتاع بمشاهدة المناظر الطبيعية الخلابة في الجغرافية. أما بالنسبة للمتعة، وأنا أعرف كيفية الحصول على المتعة بإبقائها هالاليابل. هو بلدي أكبر قوة التعاطف وعزم. وأنا أيضا طموح جداً وحالم فعالة. أنا العمل بجد تحويل بي الأحلام إلى حقيقة واقعة. وأغتنم أي حالة أن المصير يلقي على طول طريقي وجها لوجه، استراتيجيا، وتحويلها إلى طاقة إيجابية. ضعف بلدي هو الارتفاع. أنا يوما ما والتخطيط لاستخدام هذه المهارات لبدء الأعمال التجارية الخاصة بي. استمتع بممارسة، على سبيل المثال السباحة (على الرغم من أنني لست سباح عظيم، أنا استمتع يجري في الماء) وأود الذهاب لنزهة على شاطئ البحر أو في الغابة. هو بلدي أفضل رياضة التنس. وأنا بالتأكيد اللاعب 'الزميل' وأنا أحب الأسرة. أنا أحب طبخ طعامي من نقطة الصفر. أنا دورة الكثير--أكثر من المرة من برايتون إلى سالتدين. وقد المدن بين مكانين هذه المناظر الجميلة على طول الساحل الشرقي جنوب إنكلترا مشاهدة غروب الشمس. يجب أن تشاهد أيضا. :) ويجري بلدي الضعف في حشود كبيرة و "مزمنة التهاب الكبد باء." وأنا قليلاً للترهيب من قبل التنشئة الاجتماعية في حشود كبيرة، وتجد صعوبة في الإسهام في المناقشات. أعاني من "التهاب الكبد المزمنة" وبعض الأعراض مثل التعب. ولكن أنا اتعلم العيش مع حالتي، وحاول عدم السماح لها بكسر لي أو تبطئ لي. الرجاء لا تندهش، إذا كنت مهتما. بلدي أخصائي الكبد وأبلغني أن أن شريك يمكن تلقيح وأن تحصينهم ضد فيروس التهاب الكبد ب للحياة، لذا أمل أن وضعي لا يضعف اهتمامك. حسنا، حولا في وجهي إذا كنت تشعر لي:) مسلمما ابحث عنه؟(Sorry! A bit of long story here) I hate the nationalistic, tribal and racial dichotomy line that muslims something draw when it comes to marriage and the feeling sometimes that the born muslims exhibit when muslim reverts get very zealous about their deen and making them feel are not muslim enough. When I was living in Nottingham in 2010, I met a non Muslim white British friend, whom to my surprise reverted to Islam after we met. I never new my deeds as a muslim like going to pray and social interaction and conversation has effect on him. That was the first time I met a revert. His enthusiastic endeavour not only opened my eyes to many things I took for granted as one born into islam but also energized my believe, view of Islam and changed my perception of my identity as a black African to just a muslim. His revert effect on my life make me see wisdom and virtue in Surat Al-Ĥujurāt 49:13 'O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.' Becase of him, my devotion towards Allah has be re - energised and keep me on my toes. The verse symbolizes, to me, organic multiculturalism which is now today a buzz word in the secular society we live. I understand and I can see that multiculturalism is sunnah. Since then, I have decided, as my duty and act of worship towards Allah, I will do my best to marry a revert woman outside my culture, race and nationality. Dont missunderstand me. This is not about marrying a revert woman out of my race as a show off trophy as other men do. I believe a muslim revert energetic passion and the love for Allah and His prophet (SAW) is a blessing and would help both of us rekindle, encourage and put me on toes and stay focus Islamically, insha Allah. As well, I would be happy to share all my knowledge about Islam with you. I am looking for revert woman who is not afraid of support, loving and caring nature and commitment. Who will not be scared to be truelly loved tenderly and wholeheartedly and would love me back. Someone who will not be alarmed by my health adversities, who can see what I can offer, that can rise up to the occasion and be willing to take a chance on me. I dont my mind if you have got children already but I would mind if you dont want have children with me. Well if you agree with the above Quranic verse, you dont mind halalic interracial marriage and you think I would be great partner for you and I have all features that suit your liking, I would be
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..