What is Decision Making?
In its simplest sense, decision-making is the act of choosing between two or more courses of action.
In the wider process of problem-solving, decision-making involves choosing between possible solutions to a problem. Decisions can be made through either an intuitive or reasoned process, or a combination of the two.
How to Make Decisions
We make decisions every day; everything we say and do is the result of a decision, whether we make it consciously or not. For every choice, big or small, there's no easy formula for making the right decision. The best you can do is to approach it from as many perspectives as possible and then choose a course of action that seems reasonable and balanced at that time. If you have a big decision to make, it can seem daunting. But there are some simple things you can do to make it less intimidating, such as identifying the worst case scenario, making a spreadsheet, and following your gut instinct. Keep reading to learn more about how to make decisions.
Understanding the Source of Your Fear
1Write about your fears.
Journaling about your fears may help you to start to understand them and make a better decision as a result. Start by writing about the decision you need to make. Describe or list everything that you are worried about regarding this decision. Allow yourself to vent about these fears without judging yourself for having them.[1]
For example, you might start your journal by asking yourself, “What is the decision that I need to make and what am I afraid might happen if I make the wrong choice?”
2Identify the worst case scenario.
Once you have written about the decision you need to make and why you have fear regarding that decision, take it a step further. Try to identify the worst case scenario for each possible choice. Pushing your decision to the limits of what could go wrong if all goes wrong may make the process less frightening.[2]
For example, if you need to decide between staying full time at your job or taking a part-time job in order to spend more time with your kids, think about what the worst case scenario of each decision would be.
If you chose to keep the full time job, the worst case scenario might be that you miss out on important moments in your children’s development and that your children resent you for this when they are older.
If you choose to keep the part time job, the worst case scenario might be that you might not be able to pay the bills each month.
Decide whether this worst-case scenario is actually likely to happen. It’s easy for us to “catastrophize,” or spin things out to the worst possible thing that can happen, without taking the time to think. Examine the worst scenario you’ve proposed, and then consider what would have to happen to get you there. Is this likely?[3]
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
ما هو "صنع القرار"؟في أبسط معانيه، صنع القرار هو قانون لاختيار بين اثنين أو أكثر من الدورات للعمل.في عملية أوسع لحل المشاكل، صنع القرار ينطوي على الاختيار بين الحلول الممكنة لمشكلة. ويمكن اتخاذ القرارات عن طريق عملية بديهية أو معلل، أو مزيج من الاثنين.كيفية اتخاذ القراراتنحن في اتخاذ القرارات كل يوم؛ كل ما نقوله وهو نتيجة لقرار، إذا نحن تجعل من وعي أو لا. لكل خيار، كبيرة أو صغيرة، وهناك أية صيغة سهلة لاتخاذ القرار المناسب. أفضل ما يمكنك فعله هو الاقتراب من وجهات نظر أكبر عدد ممكن ومن ثم اختر مسار العمل الذي يبدو معقولاً ومتوازنا في ذلك الوقت. إذا كان لديك قرار كبير لجعل، أنها يمكن أن تبدو شاقة. ولكن هناك بعض الأشياء البسيطة التي يمكنك القيام بها لجعلها أقل تهديدا، مثل تحديد أسوأ سيناريو، مما يجعل جدول بيانات، وعقب الخاص بك غريزة القناة الهضمية. الحفاظ على القراءة لمعرفة المزيد حول كيفية اتخاذ القرارات.فهم مصدر الخوف الخاص بك1Write حول المخاوف الخاصة بك. يوميات حول المخاوف الخاصة بك قد تساعدك على البدء في فهمها واتخاذ قرار بأفضل نتيجة لذلك. ابدأ بكتابة حول القرار الذي كنت بحاجة لجعل. ووصف أو سرد كل ما كنت قلقا بشأن هذا القرار. وتسمح لنفسك للتنفيس عن هذه المخاوف دون الحكم على نفسك لوجود لهم. [1]For example, you might start your journal by asking yourself, “What is the decision that I need to make and what am I afraid might happen if I make the wrong choice?”2Identify the worst case scenario. Once you have written about the decision you need to make and why you have fear regarding that decision, take it a step further. Try to identify the worst case scenario for each possible choice. Pushing your decision to the limits of what could go wrong if all goes wrong may make the process less frightening.[2]For example, if you need to decide between staying full time at your job or taking a part-time job in order to spend more time with your kids, think about what the worst case scenario of each decision would be.If you chose to keep the full time job, the worst case scenario might be that you miss out on important moments in your children’s development and that your children resent you for this when they are older.If you choose to keep the part time job, the worst case scenario might be that you might not be able to pay the bills each month.Decide whether this worst-case scenario is actually likely to happen. It’s easy for us to “catastrophize,” or spin things out to the worst possible thing that can happen, without taking the time to think. Examine the worst scenario you’ve proposed, and then consider what would have to happen to get you there. Is this likely?[3]
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