From the cognitive development perspective, imagination is able to help the students to understand their
world. This situation happens when the students use their imagination to break the world to the unit that they can
explore and manipulate and eventually assimilates the information to their cognitive scheme. Hence, the students
can get control on to their symbolic representation system (Bouldin, 2006). Besides being used to understand the
world, imagination can be utilized by the teachers to understand the students’ comprehension of a particular field
due to its capability as a ‘diagnostic tool’ that reflects the students’ development level (Russ, 2003).
Teachers as a facilitator in the process of teaching and learning play a big role of utilizing an
appropriate imagination-based teaching strategy as the success of this strategy could improve the students’
learning process. The importance of the learning strategies are supported by the previous studies, for instance,
Tindall-Ford and Sweller (2006) who claims that the Grade 8 students who has the knowledge of a material and
then imagining it for the purpose of learning, accompanied by the audio or visual are able to encourage a better