Its morning, Ravi wakes up in sofa, she looks at DEvika sleeping in bed, Kabhi na sukoon aya plays, Ravi thinks i wish you can see my reality, i didnt marry you for any greed, i wish you could understand me then our life would be great, your hatred has turned me into silence else i would tell you how much i love you, when you will understand that i married you just to save you only, he sit beside her on bed and smile at her, he is about to touch her face, DEvika wakes up and pushes him away, she say you wanted to take advantage of me, Ravi says i came to put pillow back, i hate you, you want me to touch you thats why saying all this, Devika sys you must be last person whom i want to touch, Ravi says stop fighting and get ready, your brother is coming to pick you, leave from here so i can live peacefully, she leaves