النتائج (
العربية) 1:
26100:39:51,433 --> 00:39:54,433How effective it the gravity ofthings to avoid...26200:39:54,638 --> 00:39:58,338the easier it is to lightnessIn a move to obtain.26300:39:58,500 --> 00:40:00,600Comrades attach no importanceformalities.26400:40:01,020 --> 00:40:06,920They discuss openly and trustensure that they do not harm them.26500:40:07,220 --> 00:40:10,220Che, come ready for the revolution.26600:40:10,800 --> 00:40:16,700Where one real communicationsearches are no misunderstandings crime.26700:40:17,040 --> 00:40:20,140But if you see me armed to the teethapproaching...26800:40:20,400 --> 00:40:24,100and an agreement only understandswhich means a victory for you...26900:40:24,240 --> 00:40:28,040you will get nothing from methan an evasive attitude...27000:40:28,380 --> 00:40:35,180and a formal silence to showthe discussion is closed.27100:40:39,560 --> 00:40:45,660Because interaction on the basis of counter-conflicting roles does not make sense anyway.27200:40:45,900 --> 00:40:49,300Only the enemy wants to fightin the areas of roles,...27300:40:49,399 --> 00:40:52,599under the rules of the show.27400:40:52,799 --> 00:40:56,499Remember: All roles are equallyrepulsive,...27500:40:56,557 --> 00:40:59,757but some are lessdespisers than others.27600:40:59,957 --> 00:41:04,057In the range of stereotypical behaviorsThere are possibilities...27700:41:04,178 --> 00:41:10,478that little real experience andrepulsive hide their demands.27800:41:10,640 --> 00:41:16,040Temporary associated with certainrevolutionary images are allowed,...27900:41:16,276 --> 00:41:22,276if it makes any radicalism byideological screen shines...28000:41:22,418 --> 00:41:24,918that they presuppose.28100:42:08,780 --> 00:42:10,880The revolution is my boyfriend.28200:42:11,780 --> 00:42:15,180The firing range28300:42:22,860 --> 00:42:25,960This sport is especially for youngpeople are not bad,...28400:42:26,340 --> 00:42:28,440because it keeps young people from the street.28500:42:28,720 --> 00:42:31,020Some like to swim,Some of football...28600:42:31,129 --> 00:42:33,129and some like to shoot.28700:43:11,940 --> 00:43:13,840The revolution has begun.28800:43:14,076 --> 00:43:19,376Death to fascist insects,that parasite on the life of the people.28900:43:28,160 --> 00:43:31,460Heterosexuality is the opiateof the masses.29000:43:33,880 --> 00:43:35,080Yes, Gudrun.29100:43:39,900 --> 00:43:42,200Join the gay intifada.29200:43:44,460 --> 00:43:45,860I know, Gudrun.29300:43:48,480 --> 00:43:52,480Join the October Revolution.29400:44:52,260 --> 00:44:55,660Father, this is your son, Patrick Schmidt.29500:44:55,900 --> 00:44:58,100I am detainedby a group...29600:44:58,156 --> 00:44:59,856that 'The Raspberry Reich' calls.29700:45:00,060 --> 00:45:06,060If you do not respond to their demands, I willas a prisoner killed.29800:45:06,580 --> 00:45:08,580Contact no police.29900:45:08,794 --> 00:45:13,094In the least police interventionI get put to death.30000:45:13,380 --> 00:45:15,380Here are their requirements:...30100:45:15,660 --> 00:45:18,960First:The release of all prisoners...30200:45:19,100 --> 00:45:22,600who are still detainedcrimes...30300:45:22,700 --> 00:45:28,138attributed to, orthe support activities of the RAF30400:45:28,420 --> 00:45:31,520Second: To provideof one million Euros...30500:45:31,619 --> 00:45:34,719all food banksin Berlin,...30600:45:34,919 --> 00:45:40,719that food distribution to homeless andthe needy, the poor lower class,...30700:45:40,960 --> 00:45:45,760living in a continuous stateof dirt and hunger...30800:45:45,980 --> 00:45:51,280through the mechanism of the seniorinformed and greedy upper class.30900:45:58,820 --> 00:46:01,720It is already five days agothat we have made this tape.31000:46:02,400 --> 00:46:05,700I do not understand why there is nothingdone.31100:46:05,860 --> 00:46:07,860Helmut, you know as well as I do...31200:46:07,959 --> 00:46:12,559Herr Schmidt somewhere on the otherside of the world is in the WTO summit.31300:46:12,780 --> 00:46:16,880Indeed something we just have tohave learned by his own son...31400:46:16,978 --> 00:46:20,278who is caughtin one of our bedrooms.31500:46:21,420 --> 00:46:24,120I do not understand why we have himlocked into account.31600:46:24,420 --> 00:46:28,420Julii I've said many times that hesympathizeert our case.31700:46:28,580 --> 00:46:30,180He will not cause problems.31800:46:30,700 --> 00:46:36,900Clyde, do not be so naive. Naturallyhe says that he sympathizeert us.31900:46:36,969 --> 00:46:40,969He would say anything to us less wakely friendly so they could escape.32000:46:41,140 --> 00:46:44,440Can you over the fundamental forcesno terrorist kidnappings?32100:46:44,700 --> 00:46:47,900Keep us "terrorists" to call.We have not killed anybody yet?.32200:46:48,380 --> 00:46:52,880Not yet. And so if you want to keep toyou better check once a prisoner.32300:47:00,160 --> 00:47:02,960Helmut, what happened with Schleyer?- Who?32400:47:03,036 --> 00:47:08,036Hanns-Martin Schleyer, the bankerwas kidnapped by the RAF in 1977.32500:47:08,220 --> 00:47:15,620After Baader, Ensslin and Raspehad committed suicide...32600:47:16,120 --> 00:47:20,420I mean, were killed by the dirty,faschistische authorities,...32700:47:20,632 --> 00:47:23,132He was eliminated by the RAF.32800:47:23,720 --> 00:47:24,920'Disabled'? You mean...32900:47:25,139 --> 00:47:28,339"After 43 days we
Hanns-Martin Schleyer...
00:47:28,591 --> 00:47:31,091
miserable and corrupt existence
terminated. "
00:47:31,200 --> 00:47:34,100
That was in the letter to them
"La Liberation" sins.
00:47:38,300 --> 00:47:40,900
Diet which is again straight porno you
recently even sat looking at?
00:47:41,109 --> 00:47:44,709
I thought that no more by Gudrun
was because the counter-revolutionary.
00:47:45,300 --> 00:47:48,400
Gudrun is all counter-revolutionary.
00:47:48,719 --> 00:47:52,256
Why are not you just go
at your porn? I'll help you do.
00:47:55,600 --> 00:47:56,938
What are you doing?
00:47:57,240 --> 00:48:00,140
Relax. Think of the revolution.
00:48:03,020 --> 00:48:05,020
But I do not get stiff.
00:48:05,400 --> 00:48:09,700
Rome was not built in a day. The
knew ups and downs, like any other empire.
00:48:24,100 --> 00:48:27,500
Gudrun is all counter-revolutionary.
00:48:27,970 --> 00:48:31,370
Gudrun is even cornflakes
00:48:31,680 --> 00:48:33,880
Cornflakes are also contra-revolutionary.
00:48:34,180 --> 00:48:37,080
Cereal production
by Kellogg's,...
00:48:37,420 --> 00:48:38,958
a multi-national conglomerate...
00:48:39,058 --> 00:48:42,058
genetically engineered corn...
00:48:42,460 --> 00:48:44,460
and other agricultural uses
for its products.
00:48:44,655 --> 00:48:45,855
Like aspartame,...
00:48:46,180 --> 00:48:49,280
a food additive,
200 times sweeter than sugar...
00:48:49,700 --> 00:48:52,400
very quickly into the bloodstream
is absorbed...
00:48:52,533 --> 00:48:55,833
metabolizeert and in six to eight
ancillary products,...
00:48:56,080 --> 00:48:57,780
including methyl alcohol...
00:48:57,920 --> 00:48:59,820
and class-A carcinogen...
00:49:00,117 --> 00:49:01,317
00:49:01,599 --> 00:49:05,199
also known as NutraSweet & Equal',...
00:49:05,340 --> 00:49:08,440
by at least 100 million
Americans consume...
00:49:08,660 --> 00:49:10,460
while the symptoms,
ranging from strokes...
00:49:10,537 --> 00:49:13,237
and dizziness to the development
of cancers...
00:49:16,131 --> 00:49:19,831
Gudrun says that everyone of origin
is bisexual,...
00:49:20,380 --> 00:49:23,880
which means that anyone who fully
hetero-sexual or gay is...
00:49:24,100 --> 00:49:27,400
half of its natural libido
has suppressed.
00:49:27,600 --> 00:49:31,900
The fact that 95 percent of the population
see themselves as heterosexual,...
00:49:32,012 --> 00:49:34,712
just proves the power of
The brain-wash...
00:49:34,974 --> 00:49:39,874
by the dominant ideology
was conducted to verify us.
00:49:41,580 --> 00:49:44,480
If all his gay sexual potentially
would release...
00:49:44,680 --> 00:49:49,580
there would be a massive wave of orgasmic
energy released into the atmosphere,...
00:49:49,900 --> 00:49:53,000
that an era of relief
and would usher in healing.
00:49:58,000 --> 00:50:02,100
In an industrial society,
which confuses work and productivity...
00:50:02,200 --> 00:50:06,700
the need to always produce
been an enemy of creativity.
00:50:06,900 --> 00:50:11,900
Any glimmer of humanity, which
possible creativity, can remain...
00:50:12,000 --> 00:50:14,760
in a being that at 6 hours in the morning from
his sleep is achieved,...
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