Hello my love, my angel Yusuf! How are you doing? I am doing well. My
whole life is filled with joy and love. I am very happy so soon to
receive Your letter. Every day Your letters make me happy. Each day I
look forward to emails from you. My friend is very happy for us and
for our relationship. She is sure that we will have a good, happy
future in which to live only for love. She said that I would have
appreciated you, because people like you are very few in all the Land.
I am sure you are my most favorite and expensive. You're my one and
only. You're my only Yusuf! So I very strongly love you and I always
will respect and appreciate you. I value our relationship, I will do
everything to make our relationship better. My friends are glad that I
found happiness with you. They are happy that I met such a good person
like you! I am very grateful to God that I can assume you are loved. I
love you Yusuf!!!!!!! And I would like to present all my love to you,
I want it to be in your trusted hands. I look forward to your new
letter. Really miss you. Your love for life Marina