Li Shuang Yan had a suspicion that Li Qi Ye had seen the ancient formation somewhere else previously; however, she quickly dismissed this idea because the Nine Saint Demon Gate had to pay a great price in order to obtain this single copy of the broken formation that the Formation Progenitor had left behind. It could be said that, besides the Formation Progenitor who had died in the Ancient Era, only their Nine Saint Demon Gate knew about the existence of this broken formation.
But now, Li Qi Ye, with a single glance, had been able to recite information regarding the broken formation as if it was something insignificant, and was nothing more than a lesson on memorization.
This made Li Shuang Yan frightened into being speechless for a long time; she had spent ten years of research, along with the guidance of many generations of great sages from the Nine Saint Demon Gate, yet all of this was only equal to a few words that were hastily spoken by him? Such an event greatly damaged her confidence.
Even the most heavenly talents weren’t able to understand the formation with just one glance, but Li Qi Ye had done just that. Li Qi Ye’s words alone could have defeated all of these geniuses. The worst part was, Li Qi Ye wasn’t a genius!
Li Shuang Yan didn’t know that Li Qi Ye had already seen the complete formation in its entirety during the ancient times, and that was why, upon seeing the ancient beast fur, his memories of the formation had resurfaced.
“Come here.”
At this point, Li Qi Ye leisurely beckoned for Li Shuang Yan to come closer.
Because Li Shuang Yan still hadn’t recovered from her shock, she subconsciously came closer to Li Qi Ye. She didn’t even know why she did it.
“Pow, pow, pow!”
Li Shuang Yan was still in a daze, so Li Qi Ye grabbed her, placed her over his lap, laid her down, and without any mercy for beauties, swung his big hand onto her butt several times; he caused it to numbingly burned.
“What are you doing?!”
Li Shuang Yan was like a cat that had its tail stepped on, as she jumped to her feet, and loudly yelled. Her face blushed red, and she angrily glared at Li Qi Ye.
As for Li Qi Ye, he just patted his palms in a comfortable manner, like it was a trivial thing to do, before slowly saying, “As my maid, you need to be aware of your situation. I can forgive the people around me, and favor the people around me; this includes you, even if you’re only a maid. However, you have to remember, never provoke me! Don’t think that just because you’re heaven’s favorite daughter that you can flip over the earth!”
Li Shuang Yan seethed with anger. She was the favorite daughter of heaven, and was the princess of the Old Ox country. In the past, until now, she’d always been in a high position, and no one had dared to be disrespectful towards her. However, today, a small man had mercilessly spanked her on the bottom; this sort of shameful thing truly made her tremble.
“Go, find a place in which to live by yourself.”
Li Qi Ye motioned with his sleeve to imply the departure of the guest, ignoring Li Shuang Yan’s feelings.
“You… Little man! You…! You better remember this!”
In the end, without knowing how to vent her anger, she enunciated each word clearly. She had always been superior, looking down below from her high position, and countless talented young men wanted to win her favor. However, today, Li Qi Ye said a few hateful sentences, and he then told her to leave; he didn’t even arrange her a place to stay. This really infuriated her!
Li Shuang Yan left with her arms waving angrily in the air; her royal highness, at the age of eighteen, was provoked by a thirteen year old boy to the point of wanting to vomit blood. Even she couldn’t believe it.
“Do not try to practice the ‘Immortal Emperor Slaughtering Formation’ any longer.”
At this point, Li Qi Ye’s calm voice echoed from behind:
“The formation on your hand is simply a small corner of the Immortal Emperor Slaughtering Formation. If you force yourself to cultivate it, one day, you will be ruined by this formation. Even the ones that knew about it since the Ancient Era long ago didn’t dare to cultivate it on a simple whim; let alone you. If you truly want to repair this array, once your cultivation has matured, I will think about teaching you a thing or two.”
Based on the cultivation and talent of Li Shuang Yan, most people normally didn’t get the chance to ask her for guidance, and now a little man like Li Qi Ye wanted to guide her?
However, the four words “Immortal Emperor Slaughtering Formation” made her stop in her tracks. This formation was a legend left behind by many generations. Most people didn’t believe of its existence, but Li Qi Ye was talking about it like he had it grasped in the palm of his hand.
Even though she was curious, her anger had not subsided; nor her pride. Thus, she only scowled angrily, and she ignored Li Qi Ye. Then, she continued leaving.
Li Qi Ye didn’t care whether Li Shuang Yan was in a good mo
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
وكان يان لي شوانغ اشتباه بأن "لي تشي يي" قد شهد تشكيل القديمة في مكان آخر سابقا؛ بيد أنها سرعان ما رفضت هذه الفكرة "بوابة الشيطان سانت تسعة" اضطروا إلى دفع ثمن كبير للحصول على هذا نسخة واحدة من تشكيل مكسورة وقد تركت "السلف تشكيل". يمكن القول بأنه إلى جانب "السلف تشكيل" الذين لقوا حتفهم في "الحقبة القديمة"، عرف فقط على "تسعة سانت بوابة الشيطان" حول وجود هذا كسر تشكيل.ولكن الآن، "لي تشي يي"، مع لمحة واحدة، كان قادراً على قراءة معلومات بشأن تشكيل مكسورة كما لو كان شيئا غير ذات أهمية، وليس أكثر من درس في تحفيظ.يان شوانغ لي جعلت هذا الخوف إلى حيز الوجود عن الكلام لفترة طويلة؛ كانت قد أمضت عشر سنوات بحوث، جنبا إلى جنب مع توجيه أجيال عديدة من حكماء كبيرة من "تسعة سانت بوابة الشيطان"، بعد كل هذا كان مساوياً لبعض الكلمات التي قيلت عجل منه فقط؟ مثل هذا حدث تضررت كثيرا ثقتها.المواهب السماوية حتى أكثر لم تكن قادرة على فهم تشكيل بلمحة واحدة فقط، ولكن "لي تشي يي" قد فعلت ذلك تماما. يمكن أن يكون هزم "لي تشي يي" الكلمات وحدها كل هذه العباقرة. وكان أسوأ جزء، "لي تشي يي" لم يكن عبقريا!لم أكن أعرف لي شوانغ يان أن "لي تشي يي" قد شهدت بالفعل تشكيل كاملة في مجملها خلال العصور القديمة، وكان ذلك السبب، عند رؤية الفراء الوحش القديمة، وقد عادت إلى الظهور في ذكرياته التشكيل."جئنا إلى هنا."عند هذه النقطة، سنحت "لي تشي يي" مهل للي شوانغ يان الاقتراب.لأنه ما زال يان شوانغ لي لم أكن قد شُفي صدمتها، وقالت أنها جاءت شعوريًا أقرب إلى "لي تشي يي". حتى أنها لا تعرف لماذا فعلت ذلك."أسير، أسير، أسير الحرب!"يان شوانغ لي كان لا يزال في ذهول، حتى أمسك "لي تشي يي" لها، ووضع لها عبر اللفة، وضعت لها إلى أسفل، ودون أي رحمه للجمال، تأرجح يده الكبيرة على بعقب لها عدة مرات؛ أنه تسبب بإحراق تخدير."ماذا تفعلون؟"وكان يان شوانغ لي مثل قط الذي كان ذيله داس، كما أنها قفزت على قدميها، وصاح صوت عال. وجهها أحمر أحمر، وقالت أنها غضب ساطع في "لي تشي يي".أما بالنسبة "لي تشي يي"، أنه مجرد يربت له النخيل بطريقة مريحة، مثل ما كان شيء تافهة للقيام، قبل أن تقول ببطء، "كخادمة بلادي، تحتاج أن تكون على علم من الوضع الخاص بك. يمكن أن يغفر الناس من حولي، وصالح الناس في جميع أنحاء لي؛ ويشمل هذا لك، حتى لو كنت فقط خادمة. ومع ذلك، لديك لتذكر، ابدأ إثارة لي! لا أعتقد أن فقط لأنك ابنه السماء المفضلة التي يمكنك الوجه على الأرض! ""أنت!"كانت كلمات شوانغ لي يان بالغضب. كانت الابنة المفضلة من السماء، وكانت الأميرة البلد "الثور القديم". في الماضي، وحتى الآن، كانت دائماً في منصب رفيع، ولم يجرؤ أحداً على عدم الاحترام تجاهها. ومع ذلك، اليوم، رجل صغير كان بلا رحمه يضرب لها في الجزء السفلي؛ هذا النوع من شيء مخجل حقاً جعلتها ترتعش.“Go, find a place in which to live by yourself.”Li Qi Ye motioned with his sleeve to imply the departure of the guest, ignoring Li Shuang Yan’s feelings.“You… Little man! You…! You better remember this!”In the end, without knowing how to vent her anger, she enunciated each word clearly. She had always been superior, looking down below from her high position, and countless talented young men wanted to win her favor. However, today, Li Qi Ye said a few hateful sentences, and he then told her to leave; he didn’t even arrange her a place to stay. This really infuriated her!Li Shuang Yan left with her arms waving angrily in the air; her royal highness, at the age of eighteen, was provoked by a thirteen year old boy to the point of wanting to vomit blood. Even she couldn’t believe it.“Do not try to practice the ‘Immortal Emperor Slaughtering Formation’ any longer.”At this point, Li Qi Ye’s calm voice echoed from behind:“The formation on your hand is simply a small corner of the Immortal Emperor Slaughtering Formation. If you force yourself to cultivate it, one day, you will be ruined by this formation. Even the ones that knew about it since the Ancient Era long ago didn’t dare to cultivate it on a simple whim; let alone you. If you truly want to repair this array, once your cultivation has matured, I will think about teaching you a thing or two.”Based on the cultivation and talent of Li Shuang Yan, most people normally didn’t get the chance to ask her for guidance, and now a little man like Li Qi Ye wanted to guide her?However, the four words “Immortal Emperor Slaughtering Formation” made her stop in her tracks. This formation was a legend left behind by many generations. Most people didn’t believe of its existence, but Li Qi Ye was talking about it like he had it grasped in the palm of his hand.Even though she was curious, her anger had not subsided; nor her pride. Thus, she only scowled angrily, and she ignored Li Qi Ye. Then, she continued leaving.Li Qi Ye didn’t care whether Li Shuang Yan was in a good mo
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