النتائج (
العربية) 1:
SECTOR: FOOD SECURITYAllocationEnvelope2Associated SRP Strategic Objective AmountAllocatedFSACObjective 1: Improve availability of and access to food for the most vulnerableObjective 2: Ensure equitable access and protection for women, girls, boys,and men in all activitiesObjective 3: Strengthen capacity of partners, communities and authorities onpreparedness and response$12millionThe immediate causes of undernutrition (malnutrition) are inadequate dietary intake and disease. Achild’s dietary intake and exposure to disease are affected by several underlying factors, chiefamong them being household food insecurity unavailability of food lack of access to food, andutilization of a diverse diet. Nutrition security for a healthy and active life for all householdmembers can only be achieved when treatment and addressing underlying causes (food insecurity)are tackled simultaneously. Evidence in Yemen has shown that optimal nutritional status resultswhen children have access to affordable, diverse and nutrient-rich food as well as treatment ofalready malnourished (SAM and MAM) and there is no way to achieve household nutrition securitywithout concurrently tackling food insecurity. The cross-cutting and multi-dimensional nature ofunder-nutrition/malnutrition thus entails the need for promotion of a holistic and integratedapproach that addresses the treatment and underlying causes concurrently.FSAC will target locations determined by nutrition cluster CMAM caseloads both at governorate anddistrict levels. Considering that food insecurity is one of the major underlying causes ofundernutrition/ malnutrition, it is worthwhile to note that all the nutrition cluster prioritygovernorates and districts correspond to the FSAC priority locations as well. Within the nutritioncluster priority locations, FSAC will only be targeting households with any under-five child admittedin a CMAM program (SAM or MAM) and/or a Pregnant and Lactating Woman (PLW) registered inthe CMAM program.The FFW/T, unconditional cash, production of highly nutritious vegetables and supplementaryfeeding will be very instrumental in preventing moderately malnourished (MAM) children frombecoming severely malnourished (falling into SAM). It will also ensure that those childrendischarged from CMAM program do not face a relapse since FSAC will be addressing the underlyingcauses (food insecurity) simultaneously with the treatment provided in the CMAM programs by ourNutrition cluster counterparts.Food Security and Nutrition partners will utilize their ongoing nutrition/food security interventionplatforms to ensure complementary and addressing of other underlying factors e.g. behaviourchange communication, Infant and Young Child Feeding practices, hygiene and health promotion,breastfeeding, immunization, etc. A joint Food Security, Nutrition, Health and WASH surveillancesystem will also be set up to assist with integrated monitoring, coordination, learning andaccountability.FSAC Eligible Programme Areas: HPF Strategy Paper - Second Standard Allocation 2016 | 5United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)Coordination Saves Lives | http://www.unocha.org/yemen/about-hpf-yemen Supplementary food for PLW and/or parents of a malnourished under-five child admittedin a CMAM program. Conditional and unconditional Food for Work/Training (FFW/T) to enhance production ofhighly nutritionally rich vegetables in order to prevent moderately malnourished (MAM)children from becoming severely malnourished (falling into SAM).
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