authenticated by Philippines embassy/ consulate with jurisdiction at jobsite
Special power of attorney or Recruitment agreement or service agreement
checklist of requirements
initial accreditation (Direct employer)
Special power of attorney or recruitment agreement of position or service agreement
- Manpower request signed by the employer on all pages which shall contain/ provide the following minimum provisions:
Number of regular work hours (maximum of 8 hours/day, 6 days a week)
Overtime rate for overtime work rendered
free food transportation to and accommodation or offsetting benefit
vacation and sick leave
just/authorized causes for termination of contract
free emergency medical and dental services
settlement of disputes
repatriation of worker's remains in case of death
Visa or approve of visa availability or equivalent document if host government issues no work or entry visa prior to worker's arrival in the jobsite, visa procedures per immigration policy / guidelines of the host country and undertaking from the employer that appropriate visa shall be issued to the workers upon their arrival at the jobsite
contingency plan (for middle east countries and as may applicable)
job order form