In comments welcoming the bill, Bennett made it clear he hopes the mov ترجمة - In comments welcoming the bill, Bennett made it clear he hopes the mov العربية كيف أقول

In comments welcoming the bill, Ben

In comments welcoming the bill, Bennett made it clear he hopes the move will strengthen Israel’s ability to deal with growing numbers of asylum seekers and migrants, dubbed “infiltrators” by Israeli law.

"The next time a law meant to stop infiltrators is brought to the High Court of Justice, the court will also have to consider that Israel is the 'nation-state of the Jewish people' and not just 'human dignity and freedom.' This is an important message for the residents of south Tel Aviv and for the entire country."

Southern Tel Aviv is an area renowned for hosting large numbers of migrants from around the world – dozens are regularly forced to sleep rough in Levinsky Park in the heart of the neighbourhood.

The bill comes as Netanyahu faces off against Israel’s High Court of Justice over the detention of migrants.

In September, the court ruled that the Holot detention centre for migrants must be closed within 90 days, after finding that detaining migrants indefinitely violated Israel’s Basic Law of Human Dignity and Freedom.

However, referrals to the centre continued for at least a week after the ruling was handed down, and Netanyahu has vowed to oppose the planned closure.

The decision sparked opposition from those on the Israeli left, as well as from Arab Israeli rights groups.

Salah Mohsen, media director of Adalah, which campaigns for the rights of Arab citizens of Israel, told MEE that the decision will not change the status quo for Palestinians.

“Israel is already defined and acts as a Jewish state – Arabs are second class citizens who face discrimination in every domain in life.

According to a statement from Adalah on Sunday, Israel, which has no formal written constitution, is already defined as a Jewish state according to its 1948 Declaration of Independence.

Mohsen told MEE that, though it will do nothing to change the status quo, the bill is dangerous because it “constitutionalises the current situation of oppression.”

“Instead of moving towards a better situation for minorities and more democratic values, Israel has decided to make this discriminatory definition of the country as a Jewish state into law.”

Yitzhak Herzog, leader of the opposition to the ruling coalition, was also quick to criticise the decision on Sunday, warning that would further ignite sky-rocketing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians.

“The approval of the Jewish state law is an irresponsible step that aims to fuel” Israel’s current position.

The highly-anticipated vote also comes as a vintage video from 1978 surfaces, showing a young Netanyahu, then known as Ben Nitay, calling on the US to oppose the creation of "a second Palestinian state at the expense of the only Jewish state."

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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
In comments welcoming the bill, Bennett made it clear he hopes the move will strengthen Israel’s ability to deal with growing numbers of asylum seekers and migrants, dubbed “infiltrators” by Israeli law."The next time a law meant to stop infiltrators is brought to the High Court of Justice, the court will also have to consider that Israel is the 'nation-state of the Jewish people' and not just 'human dignity and freedom.' This is an important message for the residents of south Tel Aviv and for the entire country."Southern Tel Aviv is an area renowned for hosting large numbers of migrants from around the world – dozens are regularly forced to sleep rough in Levinsky Park in the heart of the neighbourhood.The bill comes as Netanyahu faces off against Israel’s High Court of Justice over the detention of migrants.In September, the court ruled that the Holot detention centre for migrants must be closed within 90 days, after finding that detaining migrants indefinitely violated Israel’s Basic Law of Human Dignity and Freedom.However, referrals to the centre continued for at least a week after the ruling was handed down, and Netanyahu has vowed to oppose the planned closure.The decision sparked opposition from those on the Israeli left, as well as from Arab Israeli rights groups.Salah Mohsen, media director of Adalah, which campaigns for the rights of Arab citizens of Israel, told MEE that the decision will not change the status quo for Palestinians.“Israel is already defined and acts as a Jewish state – Arabs are second class citizens who face discrimination in every domain in life.According to a statement from Adalah on Sunday, Israel, which has no formal written constitution, is already defined as a Jewish state according to its 1948 Declaration of Independence.Mohsen told MEE that, though it will do nothing to change the status quo, the bill is dangerous because it “constitutionalises the current situation of oppression.”“Instead of moving towards a better situation for minorities and more democratic values, Israel has decided to make this discriminatory definition of the country as a Jewish state into law.”Yitzhak Herzog, leader of the opposition to the ruling coalition, was also quick to criticise the decision on Sunday, warning that would further ignite sky-rocketing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians.“The approval of the Jewish state law is an irresponsible step that aims to fuel” Israel’s current position.The highly-anticipated vote also comes as a vintage video from 1978 surfaces, showing a young Netanyahu, then known as Ben Nitay, calling on the US to oppose the creation of "a second Palestinian state at the expense of the only Jewish state."
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النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
في تصريحات الترحيب مشروع القانون، وجعلت بينيت من الواضح انه يأمل فى ان الخطوة تعزيز قدرة إسرائيل على التعامل مع الأعداد المتزايدة من طالبي اللجوء والمهاجرين، اطلق عليها اسم "متسللين" حسب القانون الإسرائيلي. "في المرة القادمة قانون يهدف الى وقف المتسللين يتم إحضارها إلى محكمة العدل العليا، والمحكمة أيضا أن نعتبر أن إسرائيل هي "الدولة القومية للشعب اليهودي" وليس فقط "كرامة الإنسان وحريته". وهذا هو رسالة مهمة لسكان جنوب تل أبيب وللبلد بأسره " جنوب تل أبيب هي منطقة تشتهر تستضيف أعدادا كبيرة من المهاجرين من جميع أنحاء العالم - ويضطر عشرات بانتظام للنوم في العراء في فينسكي بارك في قلب من الحي. ويأتي مشروع القانون كما يواجه نتنياهو قبالة ضد محكمة العدل الإسرائيلية العليا من خلال احتجاز المهاجرين. وفي سبتمبر، حكمت المحكمة بأن مركز الاعتقال Holot للمهاجرين يجب أن تغلق في غضون 90 يوما، بعد العثور على أن المهاجرين اعتقال انتهاك لأجل غير مسمى القانون الأساسي الإسرائيلي للكرامة الانسان وحريته. ومع ذلك، استمرت الدعوات إلى المركز لمدة أسبوع على الأقل بعد أن تم تسليم الحكم إلى أسفل، وتعهد نتنياهو لمعارضة إغلاق المخطط لها. وأثار قرار المعارضة من تلك التي على اليسار الإسرائيلي، كما كذلك من جماعات عربية لحقوق الاسرائيلية. صلاح محسن، مدير الاعلام في عدالة، التي تناضل من أجل حقوق المواطنين العرب في إسرائيل، وقال MEE أن القرار لن يغير من الوضع الراهن بالنسبة للفلسطينيين. "وتعرف إسرائيل بالفعل، ويعمل بمثابة الدولة اليهودية - العرب هم مواطنون من الدرجة الثانية الذين يواجهون التمييز في كل مجال في الحياة وفقا لبيان صادر عن مركز عدالة يوم الأحد، وإسرائيل، والتي لا يوجد دستور رسمي مكتوب، يتم تعريف بالفعل كدولة يهودية وفقا لإعلانه الاستقلال عام 1948. وقال محسن MEE التي، على الرغم من انها لن تفعل شيئا لتغيير الوضع القائم، ومشروع قانون خطير لأنه "constitutionalises الوضع الحالي للقمع." "وبدلا من الاتجاه نحو وضع أفضل للأقليات والقيم أكثر ديمقراطية، قررت إسرائيل جعل هذا التعريف التمييزي لهذا البلد كدولة يهودية في القانون. " يتسحاق هرتسوغ، زعيم المعارضة في الائتلاف الحاكم، وكان أيضا سارعت الى انتقاد قرار يوم الاحد، محذرا من شأنه أن يزيد إشعال التوترات السماء بالصواريخ بين الإسرائيليين والفلسطينيين . "الموافقة على دولة القانون اليهودي هو خطوة غير المسؤولة التي تهدف إلى تأجيج" موقف إسرائيل الحالي. ويأتي هذا التصويت المرتقب أيضا على شريط فيديو خمر من 1978 السطوح، مما يدل على نتنياهو الشباب، المعروفة آنذاك باسم بن Nitay، داعيا الولايات المتحدة لمعارضة إنشاء "دولة فلسطينية الثانية على حساب الدولة اليهودية الوحيدة".

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