The Uraeus :
the earliest evidence we have of the use of the Uraeus-arearing cobra- is from the reign of Den from the first dynasty.the cobra supposedly protected the pharaoh by spitting fire at its enemies.
Crowns and headdresses:
the red crown of Lower Egypt -the Deshret crown dates back to pre-dynastic times.A red crown has been found on a pottery shard from Naqada , and later king Narmer is shown wearing the red crown on both the Normer macehead and the Narmer palette.
the white crown of Upper Egypt - the Hedjet crown - is shown on the Qustul incense
burner which dates to the pre-dynastic period.Later,King Scorpion was depicted wearing the white crown ,as was Narmer.
The combination of red and white crown into the double crown - or Pschent crown - is first documented in the middle of the first dynastic . The earliest depiction may date to the reign of Djet, and is otherwise surely attested attested during the reign of Den.