Now I have a feeling that many people are going to disagree with me on his type simply because he’s extremely organized and a neat freak. Well being a perceiver doesn’t mean that someone can’t be organized. Those are mere stereotypes (I should know because I’m the most disorganized person out there).
The thing with Jin is that he’s always kind of just been in the background. Any interview or variety show BTS goes on, he gets the least amount of screen time (which is totally unfair btw) partly due to the fact that while the other members are goofing around to get attention, he’s just sitting there. He doesn’t necessarily look uncomfortable but it’s more due to the fact that he probably just doesn’t want to do something because other people are doing it. If he wants to answer a question or do something crazy, it’ll be because he wants to and not because it is expected of him (Fi).
He’s always said that his personality is the kind to not mind what others think of him and to do what he wants to do. He has a strong sense of personal values; you can clearly see how much his values mean to him. Everything he talks about will have some sort of meaning to him even when he’s answering questions that are supposed to be objective, he somehow brings it back to himself (”Oh so that means I’m like this” or “Yes that happened to me too”). He LOVES cooking and you can tell because his eyes just seem to light up and become animated (the way Fi users do) whenever he talks about something meaningful to him.
His Se isn’t really that hard to notice and it’s most apparent in his cooking. His attention to detail comes from his Se in that he’s focusing all of his energy externally by focusing on his five senses. This is why he seems like a perfectionist when it comes to food. The reason he’s good at cleaning is also because he’s so good at noticing his surroundings and taking in all the details.
He’s calm and relaxed and a trait that I’ve noticed in most ISFPs is that he so desperately wants to be free. J-Hope once said that when Jin gets mad he can’t see anything in front of him, this is his inferior Te coming into play.