Fielding reluctantly converses with Adela. She wants to discuss her be ترجمة - Fielding reluctantly converses with Adela. She wants to discuss her be العربية كيف أقول

Fielding reluctantly converses with

Fielding reluctantly converses with Adela. She wants to discuss her behavior, but he is unwilling until she mentions that she has been ill. She says she has been ill with an echo since the day of the trip to the Marabar Caves, or perhaps the day she heard Godbole’s song. Fielding admits that he always suspected she was ill, or perhaps hallucinatory. Adela cannot quite describe the vision she had in court. Nonetheless, Fielding appreciates Adela’s meticulous honesty, and he apologizes for his rudeness to Ronny.

Adela asks Fielding what Aziz thinks of her. Fielding uncomfortably thinks about Aziz’s contempt for Adela’s ugliness. They discuss the possibility that the guide, or someone else, attacked Adela. Hamidullah arrives and is unhappy to see Fielding and Adela together. Hamidullah expresses severe disapproval of Adela because of the destruction she has carelessly brought upon Aziz. Hamidullah invites Fielding to the Nawab Bahadur’s house for the victory celebration. Adela prepares to depart, but Fielding invites her to remain at the college while he stays with Aziz’s friends. Hamidullah, however, is eager to be rid of Adela, for her emotionless demeanor repels him.

While the two men discuss what to do with Adela, Hamidullah is relieved to notice Ronny pull up. Fielding meets Ronny outside and learns that Mrs. Moore has died on the voyage back to England and has been buried at sea. Fielding returns and sends Adela out. He and Hamidullah agree not to tell Aziz about Mrs. Moore until the next day. Adela returns, distraught at Mrs. Moore’s death, and asks to remain at the college. At Fielding’s request, Adela brings Ronny inside.

Hamidullah is unfriendly to Ronny. Fielding and Ronny settle the details of Adela’s stay at the College, and then Fielding and Hamidullah leave for the Nawab Bahadur’s celebration. On the way, Fielding overhears Hamidullah saying that Adela should be fined twenty thousand rupees. Fielding is distressed that Adela should lose her money and probably her fiancé as well.
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
Fielding reluctantly converses with Adela. She wants to discuss her behavior, but he is unwilling until she mentions that she has been ill. She says she has been ill with an echo since the day of the trip to the Marabar Caves, or perhaps the day she heard Godbole’s song. Fielding admits that he always suspected she was ill, or perhaps hallucinatory. Adela cannot quite describe the vision she had in court. Nonetheless, Fielding appreciates Adela’s meticulous honesty, and he apologizes for his rudeness to Ronny.Adela asks Fielding what Aziz thinks of her. Fielding uncomfortably thinks about Aziz’s contempt for Adela’s ugliness. They discuss the possibility that the guide, or someone else, attacked Adela. Hamidullah arrives and is unhappy to see Fielding and Adela together. Hamidullah expresses severe disapproval of Adela because of the destruction she has carelessly brought upon Aziz. Hamidullah invites Fielding to the Nawab Bahadur’s house for the victory celebration. Adela prepares to depart, but Fielding invites her to remain at the college while he stays with Aziz’s friends. Hamidullah, however, is eager to be rid of Adela, for her emotionless demeanor repels him.While the two men discuss what to do with Adela, Hamidullah is relieved to notice Ronny pull up. Fielding meets Ronny outside and learns that Mrs. Moore has died on the voyage back to England and has been buried at sea. Fielding returns and sends Adela out. He and Hamidullah agree not to tell Aziz about Mrs. Moore until the next day. Adela returns, distraught at Mrs. Moore’s death, and asks to remain at the college. At Fielding’s request, Adela brings Ronny inside.Hamidullah is unfriendly to Ronny. Fielding and Ronny settle the details of Adela’s stay at the College, and then Fielding and Hamidullah leave for the Nawab Bahadur’s celebration. On the way, Fielding overhears Hamidullah saying that Adela should be fined twenty thousand rupees. Fielding is distressed that Adela should lose her money and probably her fiancé as well.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
إيفاد مضض تحاور عادلة. وقالت انها تريد مناقشة سلوكها، لكنه غير مستعد حتى أنها تذكر أنها كانت مريضة. وتقول إنها كانت مريضة مع صدى منذ اليوم من رحلة إلى Marabar كهوف، أو ربما في اليوم سمعت أغنية Godbole ل. إيفاد يعترف انه يشتبه دائما أنها كانت مريضة، أو ربما الهلوسة. عادلة لا يمكن وصفها تماما الرؤية لديها في المحكمة. ومع ذلك، فيلدينغ تقدر الصدق الدقيق عادلة، وانه يعتذر عن وقاحة له لروني.

أديلا يسأل فيلدينغ ما يعتقد عزيز لها. إيفاد بشكل غير مريح يفكر ازدراء العزيز لالقبح عادلة ل. يناقشون احتمال أن يكون الدليل، أو أي شخص آخر، هاجم عادلة. حميد الله يصل وغير سعيد لرؤية فيلدينغ وأديلا معا. حميد الله عن استنكاره الشديد للأديلا بسبب الدمار التي جلبتها بلا مبالاة على عزيز. حميد الله تدعو فيلدينغ إلى منزل نواب بهادور للاحتفال بالنصر. أديلا يستعد للرحيل، ولكن فيلدينغ يدعوها للبقاء في الكلية في حين انه يبقى مع الأصدقاء العزيز. حميد الله، ومع ذلك، حريصة على التخلص من أديلا، لها سلوك قاس يصد عنه.

في حين أن الرجلين مناقشة ما يجب القيام به مع أديلا، حميد الله غير مرتاح لاحظت روني سحب ما يصل. إيفاد يلتقي روني خارج ويتعلم أن السيدة مور قد مات في رحلة العودة الى انكلترا، وقد دفن في البحر. إيفاد العوائد ويرسل أديلا بها. هو وحميد الله توافق على عدم إخبار العزيز حول السيدة مور حتى اليوم التالي. أديلا يعود، ذهول في وفاة السيدة مور، ويطلب أن تبقى في الكلية. بناء على طلب فيلدينغس، أديلا يجلب روني في الداخل.

حميد الله غير مؤيدة لروني. إيفاد وروني تسوية تفاصيل الإقامة عادلة لفي الكلية، ثم ينزل وحميد الله ترك للاحتفال نواب بهادور ل. على الطريق، وفيلدينغ يسمع حميد الله قائلا ان أديلا يجب أن يتم تغريم عشرين ألف روبية. إيفاد هو بالأسى أن أديلا يجب أن تفقد مالها، وربما خطيبها كذلك.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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