me release..." a sudden loud knock on the door halts them, slowly the door opens and ammi jaan peeks in saying with a concerned voice "Jodha beta is Jalal alright does he need more tea?" they lay still, waiting for her to leave, but she continues questioning "Jodha beta, are you there...beta, Jalal beta are you ok, should I massage your head?" , Jalal begins to get annoyed and says "she left ammi, I am fine I don't need any more tea or massage, please I need to rest" Jo lay absolutely quiet and still in his embrace...they watch as the door slowly closes ... "sorry Jalal, I forgot about your headache let me get the medicine " she tries to get up when Jalal pulls her tight against him saying "who says I have a headache, I lied, I am only aching for you baby?" She pushes him away "I can't believe you lied" she pouts, then smiles as he gives her a sly grin saying "I get only supervised visit with my wife ...and my wife chooses her mother and mother in law over me...I have to get creative don't I?" Jo trying to look angry whispers "I won't be seeing them for a long time, I am going back down to say proper go to e . .