As being explained in the conversation, the movement imagined as the balloon moves up from the slow to fast
motion. This image of macro imagination is generated by the students with the influence of their daily
experiences. This situation proves that the students are trying to link their own daily experience with their
imagination whilst ignoring the science concepts that should be the basis of the image. This failure can be
associated to Taxonomy White (1988) which claims that in order to integrate three different experiences in
building the hydrogen molecules and in-depth characteristics of that image (like movement) on the same time
requires a high level observation during the process. If fail, the alternative framework imagination will be
produced. In addition, to create a detailed image, for instance, the color aspect, shape and movement also
requires a leap of imagination capabilities of the students (Al-Balushi, 2003). This is because the imagination
capability is one of the factors that is able to influence the students’ imagination.
6.3 Hydrogen Gas Bond Imagined As A ‘Rope’
The same situation also happens to the imagination of hydrogen gas bond when 1.02 percent of the students have
produced the macro imagination which there is an existence of something that resembles a rope between the
hydrogen atoms. It can be seen from the conversation below