Thereafter, the course explores a variety of
readings and activities based on elements of creativity
provided by the trans-disciplinary cognitive
tools—perceiving, patterning, abstracting,
embodied thinking, modeling, deep play, and
synthesizing - the building blocks of disciplinary
creativity. In the online course, these tools
frame seven two-week modules. In the face-toface
course, they each frame a single full day. In
both cases, students groups are responsible for
designing activities around one of the cognitive
tools; learning by design is a central component
of year three. These activities have only
two requirements. They should demonstrate
the big ideas about the cognitive tools and help
participants in the activity understanding them
at a deeper level. Minimal guidance is provided
by the instructors demonstrating the transition
from consumer to producer that we emphasize.
We have collected many of these activities
in an “explore, create share” blog organized by
tool and content area at http://www.msuedtechsandbox.