you come in my room? Ravi covers her as she is in nighty, she ask why did you come in? Ravi says you were shouting so i came to check, DEvika says its all your planning, you must have send cockroach so that you can come in, Ravi ask are you mad? DEvika says why didnt you knock? Ravi says i knocked but you were shouting and asking for help, you are biggest problem of my life, i will not come to help you again, he leaves, DEvika says what has happened to me, i am fighting all the time, she says no i cant come in his talks, i will not trust him again.
Monty says to Manju that i will call Ravi, she says donjt disturb them.
Ravi ask for big room, Receptionist says we cant give you any room as all rooms are booked by one person, he is standing there Ravi looks at him to find its Saket, he comes to Saket, Saket ask what you are doing outside room? Ravi ask what you are doing here? he says i have come for party meeting, he ask Ravi if you are following me? Ravi says i have other work too, Receptionist says he is on honeymoon, he wants a room, Saket says i will talk to him.
DEvika thinks that this is room is so small, Rekha calls her and ask did you reach safely? DEvika says yes, Rekha ask did i disturb you? DEvika says you cant disturb me, Rekha says i have sent you both as you were not able to give time to each other, now spend time together and understand each other, dont fight with Ravi, when husband is hurt then wife is hurt too, she ask DEvika to give phone to Ravi, DEvika says he is in washroom, Rekha says i will talk to him later call me when he comes out, she ends call and says now i have to find Ravi as Rekha wants to talk to him