Devika recalls how Manju was saying to Ravi that devika is lottery of 10crores, she is a big fish and its difficult to trap her, she recalls how Saket said that Ravi wanted her property, she says now i am convinced totally that Ravi planned all this so that he can become rich, for money, he cheated me this much, just for money he played such a big game with me, i can never thought Ravi will do this with me, he alongwith his mother made me his pawn so that he can get my money and i was fool to not understand all this, he was fooling around with me and he kept making me fool, i kept saying everyone that Ravi cant be wrong, i trusted him so much and what he wanted? my money only, what i thought about him and what he really is, today his real face has come infront of me, today i know meaning of his friendship, he did all this for money, married me for money, destroyed my life for money, she cries, and sit n bed, Ravi comes in and closes door, she stops crying, Ravi thinks what to do? should i gift her first or tell her my helplessness that why did all this so that she can forgive me, Devika thinks i will never forgive you Ravi, you played this friendship game just to use me, you have made me lose faith in friendship, now dont except forgiveness from me whole life.