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Does David Deangelo's Double Your Dating Work?
posted by Donovan at 7:26 PM
Does David Deangelo's Double Your Dating ebook work? Does Double Your Dating help you succeed with women?
I was on a forum the other day. Dating the topic. I felt it appropriate to comment on the dating advice some of the other forum users were posting. (Wussy advice eg. Treat her with utter respect, and always treat her like a princess) The title of thread was "About various dating books". David Deangelo came up. They posted comments like...
Some women said this about David Deangelo
Lissa's post: "First of all, the majority of the regular members here are women. The women here will tell you that David Deangelo's crap doesn't work. Therefore, you clearly don't know what works with women. Maybe Double Your Dating works with brainless skanks who just want a one night stand, but it doesn't work with women with any intelligence or sense of self-worth. If that's the type of person you want to be, and want to be with, then yay for you. However, that's not what this site is about. I suggest you move on down the web... Contrary to what you say and believe, the type of guy I wanted is the kind who isn't so insecure that he has to read a manual to "get chicks." The type of guy who doesn't want to "get chicks" or "double his dating", but to have a real relationship with a real woman. Well, whaddya know. I just described my husband."
Serendipity's post: "The reason I worry about it? One because David Deangelo is taking advantage of vulnerable guys with no self esteem. Second, because I am sick to death of being hit on by guys using these kind of stupid techniques. Fortunately, I can usually get rid of them, but it's annoying and demeaning... Possibly this sort of corny rehearsed cocky shit works if you're looking for some drunken brainless skanky ho to have a one night stand in a club with. Not so much if you're looking for a real relationship with a real, intelligent, educated, non-shallow woman. I am one, I think I would know."
What Double Your Dating & David Deangelo Is Really About
It was funny. One accused that if I was SO good with women, why wasn't I attached... David Deangelo's book explains some of the reasons why you wouldn't be... why would you be attached to one girl when you can choose between many before you've made up your mind which one you want to be with permanently...
Notice the hostility towards the David Deangelo discipline. There usually is when people are faced with obvious truths. Never have either of these women read or listened to David Deangelo's material. I'll firstly tell you why. David Deangelo's material does not...
1. Take advantage of vulnerable guys with no self esteem.
2. Teach to use "corny rehearsed cocky shit"
3. Work on brainless girls
Double Your Dating does not take "advantage" of men with low self esteem. David Deangelo's material clearly teaches to master the "inner game" first before learning "pick up lines". David Deangelo tells you to get your head in the right place, and to start believing in yourself. David Deangelo teaches you to let go of negative past experiences and re-frame your beliefs so you have a positive outlook for the future. Otherwise, how could you attract women? Women aren't attracted to men with low self-esteem. I have noticed that even SUCCESSFUL males aren't always good with women.
David Deangelo never talks about rehearsing "canned" lines. David Deangelo does tell you to adapt the Double Your Dating material to your own personality. To evolve his techniques to fit your personality. Double Your Dating does give you ideas, methods and formulas to create your material to use when approaching, and conversing with women. But David Deangelo never says, "Just use cocky and funny lines". Deangelo does say to use it as a spice and sprinkle it occasionally throughout conversations. But of course, to come up with your own personalized material.
David Deangelo's methods are so valuable and intelligent that they really don't work on women of lower intelligence. This material is challenging and reward based. The comments you make and the personality you project is not meant for women of lower intelligence. The most intelligent women that I have encountered are usually the ones that are MOST attracted to it. It is designed to help you become an alpha-male that can attract women to your personality. It helps you to overcome barriers such as an unattractive appearance, and helps you overcome your shyness.
What Double Your Dating & David Deangelo Did For Me
I never used to be confident around women. I never used to be able to pick out a woman, walk up, and get a phone number within two minutes. Now I can. Double Your Dating is the reason. In all honesty, it's changed my life. You can read users comments on how Double Your Dating has helped them as well. I've now become a man that has power and choice when it comes to dating and women. I feel a sense of empowerment that only came after I read David Deangelo's ebook Double Your Dating. I don't know where I would be now if I didn't click a link three years ago, and taken that leap. Oh wait, I do know where I'd be: lonely on a Friday night wishing there was a beautiful woman next to me.
In response to these women, might I add that they confessed later that they were NOT in the dating world much and confessed being in a relationship for more than 2 years - not great people to get DATING advice from. They don't know whats going on in the real dating world anymore. They don't understand social dynamics on an "unconscious" level. I feel their criticisms of Double Your Dating / David Deangelo are unwarranted and unfounded.
You'll notice a drastic improvement in your game when you adopt David Deangelo's material that's found in his ebook Double Your Dating. If you haven't already read Double Your Dating, you can download it and be reading it in minutes via this link, otherwise post your feelings about the ebook below.
UPDATE: David Deangelo has released a program that has transformed the online dating world. David Deangelo has gathered the best in the world at the internet dating game and has put together a comprehensive DVD package. The internet is a great place to practice conversation and flirting. If you're interested in online dating, you should take a sneak peek at sample clips for David Deangelo's Meeting Women Online DVD's.
SIDE NOTE: If you really want to amp up your cocky and funny and conversational skills which David Deangelo talks about continually, check out his instructional DVD set Cocky Comedy. All three of these are awesome resources. I have them all and continually look back on them on a regular basis.
Labels: david deangelo
posted by Donovan at 7:26 PM Dating Advice for Men
Anonymous said...
I do not know what's going on.
I have been using constantly
DYD's stuff for 2 years or so.
David says about girls who "will get addicted to DYD techniques" and
girls who will "want to be around you". None of them has happened, or it has happened for a really short time. So, guys there are REALLY lots of pieces in the puzzle. I cannot see guys with really low social and dating skills to date more girls than I. Do not be shy to publish the truth online. We are MEN first and 2nd
we are PHILOSOPHERS-not the other
way around.
2:54 PM, NOVEMBER 10, 2005
asianchia said...
I have used DYD techniques for almost 2 years also and have seen success, in fact my last girlfriend I've had and I attribute DIRECT causality to the DYD teachings.
You must keep in mind that everyone is different and it is false to say that everyone starts at the same level.
One thing that seperates DYD from the others is that he puts a VERY strong emphasis on INNER GAME, which has to deal with your issues, inner confidence, because this is what you portray to the outside world.
There is no quick fix and you must put in the work required. Although DYD misses to show a few things, it is BAR NONE the best thing out there available for the newcomer.
I sound like an old commercial spouting how great it is, but it really is and has brought me from a loner to having much more confidence with myself, having great friends and even getting me into a great relationship with a woman.
It would be an understatement to say that DYD has helped my life, and I feel I must put in my 2 cents because had it not come along I would still be an AFC wussbag that has no friends and has low self-esteem.
1:39 AM, JANUARY 03, 2006
Ash2k said...
I gotta agree with asianchia
DYD got me introduced to the whole truth behind what really happens behind men women interactions...
It's great
10:51 AM, JANUARY 28, 2006
Anonymous said...
Some of his stuff works, Like being confident and teasing. But not everything is solved by his techniques, being "Cocky and funny" doesn't always work, I seen it happen and I seen how women quickly brushed them off.
Not everything works, Some of his stuff is right, but not everything and I noticed how in his newsletters he goes around in circles mentioning the same thing all over again.
9:48 AM, FEBRUARY 05, 2006
Logan said...
It's NOT ABOUT techniques, lines or manipulation. It's ALL about inner confidence and humor.
DYD helps people who don't have the courage to go up to a woman by showing them a map of how it is best done.
Also, i'd like to note that the more beautiful and intelligent a woman is, the more she will be attracted to these characteristics. Slutty club girls are often too shallow to see past the 'look' of a guy anyway.
8:51 AM, FEBRUARY 09, 2006
Anonymous said...
I can vouch for David D's mindset and ideas.
About two years ago I was annoyed that I had a difficult time approaching women, but the women I did know seemed to love me to death. It seemed as if when I wasn't trying to connect with
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
-نيل شتراوس-رجالي يؤرخ نصائح مزدوجة الخاص بك التي يرجع تاريخها الإغراء 2 الفتيات Paul جنكه سرعة تعليم الجنسهل David Deangelo مزدوجة الخاص بك يؤرخ العمل؟9.12.2005أرسلت بواسطة دونوفان في 07:26 مهل يعمل "يرجع تاريخها الخاص بك مزدوجة" الإليكتروني David Deangelo؟ هل "يرجع تاريخها الخاص بك مزدوجة" مساعدة لك النجاح مع النساء؟كنت في منتدى في ذلك اليوم. يرجع تاريخها الموضوع. شعرت أنها مناسبة للتعليق على مشورة يؤرخ بعض المستخدمين منتدى أخرى تم نشرها. (وسي المشورة على سبيل المثال. يعاملها باحترام المطلق، ودائما يعاملها مثل أميرة) وكان عنوان الموضوع "حول مختلف الكتب التي يرجع تاريخها". وجاء David دي آنجلو. وهي تنشر تعليقات مثل...وقال أن بعض النساء هذا حول David دي آنجلوالوظيفة في: "أولاً وقبل كل شيء، تشكل النساء أغلبية الأعضاء العادية هنا. المرأة هنا وسوف أقول لكم أن لا يعمل حماقة David Deangelo. ولذلك، كنت في وضوح لا أعرف ماذا يعمل مع المرأة. الوقوف ربما مزدوجة الخاص بك يعمل يؤرخ مع أبله سكانكس الذين يريدون فقط ليلة واحدة، لكنه لا يعمل مع المرأة مع أي أجهزة الاستخبارات أو الشعور باحترام الذات. إذا كان هذا هو نوع شخص تريد أن تكون، وتريد أن تكون معه، ثم ياي لك. بيد أن هذا ليس ما هذا الموقع حول. اقترح عليك الانتقال إلى أسفل صفحة ويب... خلافا لما كنت أقول، ونعتقد، نوع الرجل أردت هو النوع الذي ليست آمنة حتى أن لديه لقراءة كتيب "الحصول على الدجاج". نوع الرجل الذي لا يريد "الحصول على الدجاج" أو "مزدوج له يرجع تاريخها"، ولكن لديها علاقة حقيقية مع امرأة حقيقية. حسنا، أعرف whaddya. وصفتها للتو زوجي. "و...وظيفة للصدفة: "السبب في القلق أنه؟ واحدة لأن دي آنجلو David والاستفادة من اللاعبين الضعيفة مع لا احترام الذات. وثانيا، لأنني مريضة إلى الموت من التعرض للضرب الرجال استخدام هذه التقنيات نوع من الغباء. لحسن الحظ، يمكن التخلص عادة منها، لكنه مزعج والحط... ربما هذا النوع من الأشغال مبتذل القرف مغرور التدرب عليها إذا كنت تبحث عن بعض سكر skanky أبله حو ليلة واحدة تقف في نادي مع. ليس ذلك بكثير إذا كنت تبحث عن علاقة حقيقية مع امرأة حقيقية، ذكي، متعلمة، غير الضحلة. أنا واحد، وأعتقد أن أعرف ".مضاعفة ما يرجع تاريخها الخاص بك & David دي آنجلو حقاً عنكان مضحكا. اتهم أحد أنه إذا كان جيد جداً مع المرأة، لماذا لم يكن أرفق... يشرح الكتاب David Deangelo بعض الأسباب لماذا لن تكون... لماذا كنت سترفق فتاة واحدة عندما يمكنك الاختيار من بين العديد من قبل التي قمت بها عقلك واحد الذي تريد أن يكون بشكل دائم...إشعار العداء تجاه الانضباط David دي آنجلو. وهناك عادة عندما تواجه الناس مع الحقائق الواضحة. لم يكن أي من هؤلاء النساء قراءة أو الاستماع إلى المواد David Deangelo. أولاً أقول لكم لماذا. المواد David Deangelo لا...1-الاستفادة من الرجال الضعيفة مع لا احترام الذات.2-تعليم لاستخدام "مبتذل التمرن القرف مغرور"3-العمل على الفتيات أبلهيرجع تاريخها الخاص بك مزدوجة لا نستفيد "" من الرجال مع تدني احترام الذات. المواد David Deangelo يعلم الواضح الماجستير في "اللعبة الداخلية" أولاً قبل تعلم "التقاط خطوط". David دي آنجلو يقول لك الحصول على راسك في المكان المناسب، وأن يبدأ الإيمان بنفسك. David دي آنجلو يعلمك إلى ترك السلبية تجارب الماضي وإعادة تأطير المعتقدات الخاصة بك حتى يكون لديك نظرة إيجابية للمستقبل. وإلا فكيف يمكن أن تجتذب النساء؟ المرأة لا تنجذب للرجل مع تدني احترام الذات. وقد لاحظت أن الذكور حتى الناجحة ليست دائماً جيدة مع النساء.David دي آنجلو لم يتحدث عن التمرين خطوط "المعلبة". David دي آنجلو أقول لك لتكييف المواد "مزدوجة الخاص بك التي يرجع تاريخها" إلى شخصية خاصة بك. أن تتطور تقنياته ليلائم شخصيتك. "يرجع تاريخها الخاص بك" مزدوجة تعطيك أفكار وأساليب والصيغ لإنشاء المواد الخاصة بك لاستخدامها عند الاقتراب، والتحدث مع النساء. ولكن يقول دي آنجلو David ابدأ، "مجرد استخدام خطوط مغرور ومضحكة". يقول دي آنجلو لاستخدامه كتوابل ويرش عليه أحياناً طوال المحادثات. ولكن بالطبع، أن تصل مع المواد المخصصة الخاصة بك.أساليب David Deangelo ذا قيمة وذكي أنهم حقاً لا تعمل على المرأة الذكاء أقل. هذه المواد هو تحدي والمكافأة على أساس. التعليقات التي تقوم بها وشخصية لك المشروع ليس المقصود للمرأة من أقل أجهزة الاستخبارات. المرأة الأكثر ذكاء أن لقد واجهت هي عادة تلك التي تنجذب أكثر لأنها. صمم لمساعدتك على أن تصبح ذكر ألفا التي يمكن أن تجتذب النساء شخصيتك. أنه يساعدك على التغلب على الحواجز مثل مظهر غير جذاب، ويساعدك على التغلب على الخجل الخاص بك.مضاعفة ما يرجع تاريخها الخاص بك & David دي آنجلو لم بالنسبة ليلقد استخدمت ابدأ أن تكون واثقة حول المرأة. لم يسبق لي أن استخدمت لتكون قادرة على اختيار امرأة والمشي حتى تحصل على رقم هاتف في غضون دقيقتين. الآن أستطيع أن. يرجع تاريخها الخاص بك مزدوجة هي السبب. بكل صدق، قد غيرت حياتي. يمكنك قراءة تعليقات المستخدمين على كيف "يرجع تاريخها الخاص بك مزدوجة" ساعدها كذلك. لقد أصبح رجل الذي لديه السلطة وخيار عندما يتعلق الأمر يرجع تاريخها والمرأة. أشعر بشعور بالتمكين التي جاءت فقط بعد أن قرأت الكتاب الإليكتروني David Deangelo "مزدوجة يرجع تاريخها الخاص بك". أنا لا أعرف أين سيكون الآن إذا لم يكن انقر فوق ارتباط ثلاث سنوات مضت، واتخذت قفزة. أوه الانتظار، وأنا أعرف أين سيكون: وحيدا في ليلة الجمعة أتمنى كان هناك امرأة جميلة بجوار لي. واستجابة لهذه المرأة، أود أن أضيف أن اعترفوا لاحقاً بأنها لم تكن في العالم التي يرجع تاريخها الكثير واعترف يجري في علاقة لمدة أكثر من سنتين-الناس ليست كبيرة للحصول على المشورة التي يرجع تاريخها من. أنهم لا يعرفون ما يجري في الحقيقية يؤرخ العالم بعد الآن. أنهم لا يفهمون الديناميات الاجتماعية على مستوى "فاقد الوعي". أشعر بانتقاداتهم "التعارف الخاص بك مزدوجة" هي دي آنجلو David لا مبرر لها ولا أساس لها. ستلاحظ حدوث تحسن جذري في اللعبة الخاصة بك عندما كنت تعتمد المواد David Deangelo التي وجدت في بلده الإليكتروني "يرجع تاريخها الخاص بك مزدوجة". إذا لم تقرأها أصلاً "يرجع تاريخها الخاص بك مزدوجة"، يمكنك تحميله ويمكن قراءته في دقائق عن طريق هذا الرابط، خلاف ذلك آخر مشاعرك حول الكتاب الإليكتروني أدناه.تحديث: أصدرت David دي آنجلو أحد البرامج التي حولت العالم التي يرجع تاريخها على الإنترنت. جمعت أفضل ما في العالم على شبكة الإنترنت التي يرجع تاريخها لعبة دي آنجلو David وقد وضعت مجموعة دي في دي شاملة. الإنترنت مكان عظيم لممارسة المحادثة ويمزح. إذا كنت ترغب في التعارف على الإنترنت، يجب أن تأخذ نظرة خاطفة في مقاطع عينة "اجتماع النساء على الإنترنت دي في دي" David Deangelo. ملاحظة جانبية: إذا كنت تريد حقاً أن أمبير الخاص بك مغرور ومضحك ومهارات التخاطب دي آنجلو David المحادثات حول باستمرار، التي تحقق له دي في دي تعليمي تعيين "كوميديا مغرور". من كل ثلاثة من هذه الموارد الهائلة. يكون كل منهم، واستمرار ننظر إلى الوراء عليها على أساس منتظم.Labels: david deangeloposted by Donovan at 7:26 PM Dating Advice for Men 83 COMMENTS: Anonymous said...I do not know what's going on.I have been using constantlyDYD's stuff for 2 years or so.David says about girls who "will get addicted to DYD techniques" andgirls who will "want to be around you". None of them has happened, or it has happened for a really short time. So, guys there are REALLY lots of pieces in the puzzle. I cannot see guys with really low social and dating skills to date more girls than I. Do not be shy to publish the truth online. We are MEN first and 2ndwe are PHILOSOPHERS-not the otherway around.2:54 PM, NOVEMBER 10, 2005 asianchia said...I have used DYD techniques for almost 2 years also and have seen success, in fact my last girlfriend I've had and I attribute DIRECT causality to the DYD teachings.You must keep in mind that everyone is different and it is false to say that everyone starts at the same level. One thing that seperates DYD from the others is that he puts a VERY strong emphasis on INNER GAME, which has to deal with your issues, inner confidence, because this is what you portray to the outside world.There is no quick fix and you must put in the work required. Although DYD misses to show a few things, it is BAR NONE the best thing out there available for the newcomer.I sound like an old commercial spouting how great it is, but it really is and has brought me from a loner to having much more confidence with myself, having great friends and even getting me into a great relationship with a woman.It would be an understatement to say that DYD has helped my life, and I feel I must put in my 2 cents because had it not come along I would still be an AFC wussbag that has no friends and has low self-esteem.1:39 AM, JANUARY 03, 2006 Ash2k said...I gotta agree with asianchiaDYD got me introduced to the whole truth behind what really happens behind men women interactions...It's great10:51 AM, JANUARY 28, 2006 Anonymous said...Some of his stuff works, Like being confident and teasing. But not everything is solved by his techniques, being "Cocky and funny" doesn't always work, I seen it happen and I seen how women quickly brushed them off.Not everything works, Some of his stuff is right, but not everything and I noticed how in his newsletters he goes around in circles mentioning the same thing all over again.9:48 AM, FEBRUARY 05, 2006 Logan said...It's NOT ABOUT techniques, lines or manipulation. It's ALL about inner confidence and humor.DYD helps people who don't have the courage to go up to a woman by showing them a map of how it is best done.Also, i'd like to note that the more beautiful and intelligent a woman is, the more she will be attracted to these characteristics. Slutty club girls are often too shallow to see past the 'look' of a guy anyway.8:51 AM, FEBRUARY 09, 2006 Anonymous said...I can vouch for David D's mindset and ideas.About two years ago I was annoyed that I had a difficult time approaching women, but the women I did know seemed to love me to death. It seemed as if when I wasn't trying to connect with
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