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Citizenship & Immigration Canada: Information about G000121919
Jun 1, 2016, 10:39 AM
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UCI: 61463519
Application No.: G000121919
Quote these numbers when corresponding with our office.
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This confirms that your application for permanent residence in Canada has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2016/02/08.
When should I contact CIC?
You must notify CIC of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:
• Changes in your personal circumstances, such as birth or adoption of a child, a marriage or a divorce
• Change of contact information (e-mail, mailing address, telephone number)
• Appointment or change of immigration representative or designated individual
• Decision to withdraw your application
To notify CIC of changes to your application,, select the office stated below, and follow the directions for “Case Specific Enquiry.”
When will CIC contact me?
CIC will contact you if we require additional information, documents, or an interview. For general guidance on what to expect, you can and consult the “What happens next” section of the instruction guide associated with the application form you used.
How do I check the status of my application?
You may use either the Unique Client Identifier (UCI) or Application Number above to check the status of your application on the CIC website. Please and in the “I Need To ...” section on the right-hand side of the page, select “Check application status.”
How long will it take to process my application?
Processing times vary. You can consult the processing times for reference
Please be aware that answering e-mails takes time away from processing applications. For this reason, unless your application has exceeded normal processing times, please limit your correspondence to notifying us of changes in your application.
How can I prepare for immigration to Canada?
Please consult the following resources about settlement in Canada:
• For information on language assessment and training, visit
• For information on employment, and
• For information on housing, education, health, important documents, and other topics,
We trust that this information concerning your application for permanent residence in Canada is helpful.
CPC Vegreville
6212-55th Avenue
Vegreville, AB
T9C 1W5
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By providing your e-mail address on your application form, you authorized CIC to transmit your file and personal information to this specific e-mail address. Please ensure that this e-mail address is checked regularly. Any e-mails sent to you by CIC will end" target="_blank" href="javascript:return" style="text-decoration: none;">“” or" target="_blank" href="javascript:return" style="text-decoration: none;">“” Please add these to your “safe senders” list in your email program and check the junk mail folder in case important emails get filtered. If CIC is advised that the e-mail address you provided is not functional or no longer exists, we will communicate with you by mail.
Like other forms of communication, e-mail communications may be vulnerable to interception by unauthorized parties. If you do not wish us to communicate with you by e-mail, please notify us at your earliest convenience. In the absence of such notification, your consent is assumed. Should you choose to allow us to communicate by e-mail, we will not take any additional security measures (such as encryption).
The contents of this message may contain confidential and/or privileged subject matter. Any use of this information by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If this message has been received in error, please contact the sender and delete all copies.