female job applicants, stereotyping in terms of personality assessments
was eliminated. However, participants continued to
discriminate against female applicants for traditionally male
jobs (e.g., manager) and against male applicants for traditionally
female jobs (e.g., secretary).
We argue that discrimination can persist when ambiguity
exists not in the target of judgment but in the appropriate criteria
of judgment. Even without ambiguity in applicants’ credentials,
the criteria used to assess merit can be defined flexibly
in a manner congenial to the idiosyncratic strengths of applicants
who belong to desired groups (see also Hodson, Dovidio,
& Gaertner, 2002; Norton, Vandello, & Darley, 2004; Steele &
Green, 1976). For example, decision makers may view the
credentials of a specific male applicant as essential to job
success and view his areas of weakness as nonessential. Alternatively,
they may downplay the importance of a female applicant’s
areas of expertise and inflate the importance of her
areas of weakness. Three phenomena are relevant to this prediction.
First, people define merit self-servingly, asserting criteria
of excellence that put their own idiosyncratic credentials
in a positive light (Dunning, Leuenberger, & Sherman, 1995;
see also Dunning & Cohen, 1992; Kunda, 1987). Second, racially
prejudiced individuals emphasize those indices of academic
merit that happen to favor an individual White college
applicant over an individual Black applicant (Hodson et al.,
2002). Third, in concurrent research by Norton et al. (2004),
evaluators were found to justify prejudicial hiring and admissions
decisions by appealing to different performance criteria.
In the present research, we examined whether people shift their
very definition of merit to advantage certain groups, and whether
this process plays a causal role in gender discrimination.
Another novel aspect of the present research is that we assessed
how much people believe that their hiring decisions are
objective and free of bias. Constructing criteria in a biased
manner may allow decision makers to feel objective and fair
despite being discriminatory. Although gender stereotypes encourage
discrimination, egalitarian norms oblige people to
judge others on the basis of their merit rather than their group
memberships. By defining merit in a manner tailored to the
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
female job applicants, stereotyping in terms of personality assessmentswas eliminated. However, participants continued todiscriminate against female applicants for traditionally malejobs (e.g., manager) and against male applicants for traditionallyfemale jobs (e.g., secretary).We argue that discrimination can persist when ambiguityexists not in the target of judgment but in the appropriate criteriaof judgment. Even without ambiguity in applicants’ credentials,the criteria used to assess merit can be defined flexiblyin a manner congenial to the idiosyncratic strengths of applicantswho belong to desired groups (see also Hodson, Dovidio,& Gaertner, 2002; Norton, Vandello, & Darley, 2004; Steele &Green, 1976). For example, decision makers may view thecredentials of a specific male applicant as essential to jobsuccess and view his areas of weakness as nonessential. Alternatively,they may downplay the importance of a female applicant’sareas of expertise and inflate the importance of herareas of weakness. Three phenomena are relevant to this prediction.First, people define merit self-servingly, asserting criteriaof excellence that put their own idiosyncratic credentialsin a positive light (Dunning, Leuenberger, & Sherman, 1995;see also Dunning & Cohen, 1992; Kunda, 1987). Second, raciallyprejudiced individuals emphasize those indices of academicmerit that happen to favor an individual White collegeطالب على طالب أسود فردية (هودسون et al.,2002)-الثالث، في البحوث المتزامنة نورتون et al. (2004)،وعثر القائمون بالتقييم لتبرير التعاقد مع الضارة والقبولالقرارات بتوجيه نداء إلى معايير الأداء المختلفة.في البحث الحالي، قمنا بفحص ما إذا كان تحول الناس بهمتعريف الجدارة ميزة مجموعات معينة، وما إذا كانهذه العملية دوراً سببية في التمييز بين الجنسين.جانب آخر رواية للبحث الحالي وأن قمنا بتقييمكم يعتقد الناس أن تكون قراراتهم التوظيفموضوعية وخالية من التحيز. بناء المعايير في متحيزةالطريقة قد يسمح صناع القرار تشعر بموضوعية وعادلةعلى الرغم من كونها تمييزية. على الرغم من أن تشجيع الأدوار النمطية للجنسينالتمييز، وقواعد المساواة إجبار الناس علىالحكم على الآخرين على أساس جدارتهم بدلاً من جماعتهمالعضويات. عن طريق تحديد الجدارة بطريقة تلائم
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..