01 Feb 2015
This is 74 years old man with recurrent bilateral renal and ureteric stone with left ]] stent. He has several ESWL and ureteroscopy for the stones but since he is bed redden, he keeps on getting more stones.
He has history of post traumatic SDH (Subdural hematoma) happened in January 2010. He became aphasic with Rt sided weakness (hemiplegia) following above traumatic brain injury in Pakistan in January 2010.
Craniotomy was done on 25th January 2010. After craintomy, he developed first and he is put on pheynetoin 100 mg, tid. He had last EEG in Royal Hospital on 22 Aug 2013 reported Left frontal lobe abnormality.
Initially he was able to walk with assistance, but now for the past 6 months he became bed ridden, He was unable to swallow and for this PEG feeding tube was inserted and he is being fed through the feeding tube. He is on indwelling urethral catheter for incontinence of urine.