Horoscope for 27 October 2016, today,
Sahar (unknown time of birth),
in Paris (Ile-de-France), France
Please, read carefully in order to make the most of your Horoscope
The personalized horoscope is a photo of all the forces at work –also referred to as transits –between the mundane chart on the day and at the time the horoscope is cast, and all the configurations of your natal chart. In ot..
The tendency of the day: your fast transits
These transits describe the tendency of the day or the few days before and after: they may be active for several days and even for a couple of weeks in the case of Mars. Therefore, it is logical that from one horoscope to the other, the same transits may be displayed several times, particularly when fast planets are in the retrograde motion (except for the Sun and the Moon, whose motion is always direct). They deal with the contacts that Mars, the Sun, Venus or Mercury make with specific active points in your natal chart.
Diplomacy and Smooth Relations
Trine Sun Mercury, orb: 0°09'