High school is mandatory and usually free. College is voluntary and can be expensive.
Students' time and schedule is structured in most part by others. Students mange their own time and piregister for their own classes.
Students need parent permission to participate in extracurricular activities. Students must decide whether to participate in co-curricular activities and which fit best wth their academic, personal, and other goals.
Studens can count on parents and teachers to remind them of your responsibilities and to give regular guidance in setting priorities. Students must balance their own responsibilities and set priorities. Faculty, advisors, and other staff are available from which to request support and guidance.
Each day high school students typically proceed from one class directly to another, spending 6 hours each day--30 hours a week--in class. Students in college often have hours between classes; class times vary day-to-day and run throughout the day and evening hours. students might only spend as little as 12-16 hours per week in class with a majority of the work being done outside of fomal instruction.
Most of a student's classes are arranged for them by guiance. Students arrange their own schedules in consultation with faculty and academic advisors. Schedules tend to look lighter than they really are.
Studens are not responsible for knowing what is required to graduate or tracking their own progress. Students are expected to select their own majors and/or minors and are expected to learn the graduation requirements for their programs of study.
Guiding principle: students are usually told what to do and corrected if their behavior is not in line with set expectations. Guiding principle: Students are expected to take responsibility for their own path and academic success, as well as the consequences and rewards of their actions.