.David Hume 1711-1776 was a great thinker and writer .
People still read and talk about his books today because they are so important . He also wrote a very long History of England – at that time , the most important book of this kind . Hume WENT TO THE University of Edinburgh when he was twelve years old . Later he went to france and made friends with famous French thinkers like Voltaire and Rousseau . His most important book is A Treatise of Human Nature 1739 -1740 .
The next great scot is Robert Burns 1759- 1796 the scots call him Robbie or Rabbie Burns . He was born into a poor country family , the oldest of seven children , near Ary in south –west Scotland .He began writing poems when he was still a boy . He wrote about important things – about life and love , rich people and poor people , and Scotland . His words still speak to us today and many scots love his poems