home...like he had to be on guard always...even behind closed doors in their room he felt uncomfortable, a bit edgy like he had an audience ...Jo had passed the LSAT exams and was accepted into Yale law school...Jalal had arranged it and was happy she could be in New York with him. Ammi Jaan and her maasa were not happy with the news, Ammi jaan was more vocal about it as she did not like the idea of her daughter in law continuing her education and made it very clear to Jalal and Jo that she was not happy...Jalal supported his wife saying "I will be working out of New York a lot in the next two years and will not have time to come to India often, I need my wife to be with me, she will be bored here alone, so it is best she keeps busy with studies" smiles and winks at Jo. That did not go unnoticed by ammi jaan..."but Jalal, you both will be too old to have children by the time she finishes with Law school ...what happens if she becomes pregnant " she gives Jo a stern look and says "I hope you are not planning on taking birth control pills that is not good