Responsibility for Classification
The onus of appropriate and instant risk classification of loans rests with the banks. The banks shall design appropriate loan review mechanism for spotting and classification of problem loans, to recognize deterioration in asset quality well in time through out the financial year.
Loan accounts above a cut-off point, internally decided by the banks, shall be evaluated on a continuous basis. The loans, which are basically retail, shall be classified at monthly intervals . However, all the loans are to be evaluated at least once in every quarter for proper risk classification.
The responsibility for proper risk classification of loans and validation thereof shall be clearly delineated and the framework shall ensure that any doubts in loan classification are settled through specified internal channels, within one month from the date on which the account would have been classified, as per the extant norms.
The banks shall lay down well-defined administrative procedures for classification of loans, subject to the condition that a clean break is established between the sanctioning authority, which had approved the credit facility/ies, and the authority, which is responsible for confirming the risk classification.
Risk classification of loans should also be validated by the internal and external auditors of the banks