I am writing to
… Inquire/ ask/ request/ offer/ introduce/ thank/ apologize/ congratulate
I am writing in reply to
Further to/… with reference to our … conversation
This is to inform/ let know/ advice
As you know from our previous correspondence…
Do not hesitate to contact me.
Please, notify that a reply is required by… without fail.
We would be grateful if you could…
We look forward to your (early) reply
Your prompt reply will be appreciated.
I am much obliged to you for…
I deeply appreciate your …
I was pleased to…
It is very kind of you to…
Many thanks for…
Many thanks in advance.
Please, accept my sincere/ deep appreciation for your help.
We are grateful for your co-operation.
I will be in touch as soon as …
I will keep you informed.
The information will be handled in confidence.
Pay special attention to the fact that…
We refer to our telephone conversation of…
We should be most happy to provide you with any further information you may require….
We will certainly contact you if…
I am writing to ask you for a favour…
In accordance with law I request…
by separate mail…
We would share with you the estimates of…