and imagination). To navigate this
kind of creative thinking within and
across disciplines, a person must not
only continuously work to deepen
their specific disciplinary knowledge
(which experts already do), but
also broaden and enrich the kinds
of experiences, ideas and personal
interests they engage in outside of
their discipline.
After every walk with an expert,
Horowitz (2013) found a transformed
perspective of the world bestowed
upon her. These fresh visions also
opened her to new experiences. After
spending time with the experts, she
started noticing things that she either
did not know existed in the first
place, or had ignored the existence of.
She was exposed to the world from
different experts’ perspectives and
became more aware of aspects of the
world that never meant anything to
her before these walks. After spending
time with these different disciplinary
lenses, Horowitz (2013) acknowledged
changes in her “vision”. She notes that
“the more she stopped in one spot, she
started seeing more things.” (p. 122