Murad comes to Jodha, she says tell me what you wanna say, i am your mother too, Murad says no you are just queen, she says you have drank wine? he says yes it gives me peace, Jodha says its not good for health, Murad says what good happened in my life? first i was given title of heir, but then it was snatched, now when Salim and Jalal are not here, you are taking responsibility of everything, Jodha says thats all? you are angry for such small thing? i thought you are young so let you enjoy life before you take over politics, if you want then tomorrow in court i will give you duties, he is surprised and says you will do it for me? she says yes, you are my son, and mother leave everything for their sons, he is stunned at her love, he sit on his knees and says why you are so nice? she says because my son Murad is very nice, he says no your son is not nice, he is sinner, Jodha says why you are saying this? Murad says you think about me so much and i thought nobody thinks about me, i did a big sin, forgive me, jodha ask what sin? Murad says i got in trap of english men and did a conspiracy, she tells her everything related to Jalal going with them and Murad taking over throne, he cries and says i didnt want to do it, Jodha thinks you dont know you have put Jalal in problem