100:00:37,550 --> 00:00:48,385THE THOUSAND AND ONEPERVERSIONS OF FELIC ترجمة - 100:00:37,550 --> 00:00:48,385THE THOUSAND AND ONEPERVERSIONS OF FELIC العربية كيف أقول

100:00:37,550 --> 00:00:48,385THE T

00:00:37,550 --> 00:00:48,385

00:01:42,400 --> 00:01:44,500
I think it was pretty odd
to name her daughter Felicia.

00:01:45,501 --> 00:01:48,501
But I always maintained that
your friend Vicky was a little crazy.

00:01:48,802 --> 00:01:51,602
Felicia... I think it's a pretty name.

00:01:52,503 --> 00:01:54,403
Perhaps, but she still has a lot of nerve.

00:01:54,604 --> 00:01:57,404
To expect you to look after her
daughter after not writing for six years.

00:01:57,705 --> 00:02:00,005
Of course the great
Mrs. Benson had to leave Australia ...

00:02:00,006 --> 00:02:02,306
... to treat her middle-class
depression in a Swiss clinic.

00:02:08,200 --> 00:02:09,607
Ah! There she is!

00:02:15,508 --> 00:02:17,108
A bad guess.

00:02:17,209 --> 00:02:18,809
Still... she's nice to look at.

00:02:19,610 --> 00:02:21,010
Ah! That one!

00:02:24,711 --> 00:02:26,211

00:02:28,312 --> 00:02:30,612
- Did you have a pleasant flight?
- I hate flying.

00:02:30,913 --> 00:02:32,913
In that case, you must
be very happy to be here.

00:02:34,214 --> 00:02:36,014
Come on, we'll go get the car.

00:02:36,515 --> 00:02:38,115
I hate cars.

00:02:38,816 --> 00:02:41,516
The house isn't very far.
Just past Deauville.

00:02:42,717 --> 00:02:44,617
- Quite close to the sea.
- I hate the sea.

00:02:46,718 --> 00:02:48,018
Let's go...

00:02:57,319 --> 00:02:58,919
If we squeeze in a bit...

00:03:01,520 --> 00:03:05,020
Two women sure take up a
lot of space, compared to one man.

00:03:06,321 --> 00:03:09,021
I'm sure the three of
us will be very cozy together.

00:03:09,722 --> 00:03:11,522
I never wanted to come here.

00:03:50,023 --> 00:03:51,623
This is your room.

00:03:55,224 --> 00:03:56,924
Do you like it?

00:03:59,825 --> 00:04:01,325
The bathroom?

00:04:01,326 --> 00:04:02,826
In here...

00:04:07,127 --> 00:04:09,127
Three weeks with
her around is all we need!

00:04:10,328 --> 00:04:14,228
Oh well...
I think I'll fix us some lunch.

00:04:14,429 --> 00:04:16,429
You have a class at 2:00 this afternoon.

00:04:31,830 --> 00:04:34,030
When I catch you,
I'm going to rape you!

00:05:20,631 --> 00:05:24,531
It's true!
You're as excited as a school boy, Paul.

00:05:47,632 --> 00:05:48,832
Oh, yes...

00:06:36,153 --> 00:06:37,400

00:06:40,134 --> 00:06:43,434
Faster! Yes, yes! Faster!

00:07:08,537 --> 00:07:09,837
No cheating!

00:07:10,138 --> 00:07:11,338
Wait a minute!

00:07:13,239 --> 00:07:14,739
I want to cum inside you!

00:07:15,840 --> 00:07:17,040
With you!

00:11:32,842 --> 00:11:36,042
You're very charming, but it's just that
you're not exactly what I was looking for ...

00:11:36,043 --> 00:11:37,443
... the cover of my third album.

00:11:38,244 --> 00:11:42,744
Oh well, I'll call the agency.
You can go get dressed now.

00:11:42,745 --> 00:11:44,245
Thank you anyway.

00:11:47,946 --> 00:11:51,046
I'll let you girls dress
while I phone the agency.

00:11:51,847 --> 00:11:56,147
Shit! I'm fed up with these artists
who never know what the hell they want!

00:11:56,348 --> 00:11:58,648
Too bad. She was very sweet.

00:11:59,349 --> 00:12:02,949
For a moment there, I figured she was
a lesbian when she began to caress me.

00:12:03,250 --> 00:12:06,250
And you're the one who always
says don't mix business and pleasure.

00:12:06,651 --> 00:12:09,151
As the saying goes,
"The best laid plans..."

00:12:09,352 --> 00:12:10,352
No willpower...

00:12:20,253 --> 00:12:23,353
This is the real thing!
She's not poor, I can guarantee you that!

00:12:24,154 --> 00:12:26,354
Hey! Are you crazy?
What if she walks in?

00:12:26,655 --> 00:12:28,555
I heard her on the telephone.

00:12:29,056 --> 00:12:31,156
As long as she keeps
talking, there's no danger.

00:12:31,357 --> 00:12:34,157
- But it's wrong!
- Oh, nonsense!

00:12:38,358 --> 00:12:39,558
We're safe!

00:12:42,159 --> 00:12:46,109
If they're fake, it makes no difference.
And if they're real, it's worth a try.

00:12:47,260 --> 00:12:48,460
Someone's in the closet!

00:12:53,561 --> 00:12:54,761
Leave me alone!

00:12:57,662 --> 00:12:59,062
Give it to me! Give me that!

00:12:59,063 --> 00:13:01,663
If you grab it, I'll scream my head off.

00:13:02,164 --> 00:13:05,764
And I took a very pretty picture!
Gabrielle will be delighted to see it.

00:13:06,005 --> 00:13:07,965
Alright, what do you want?
Who are you?

00:13:08,166 --> 00:13:10,466
What does she want?
What will she do with it?

00:13:10,467 --> 00:13:13,467
Nothing... if...

00:13:13,568 --> 00:13:15,768
If what? What if she walks in?

00:13:24,069 --> 00:13:25,569
There's no danger.

00:13:27,070 --> 00:13:28,070
Go on. Show me what you were doing.

00:13:28,071 --> 00:13:30,171
- What?
- Making love!

00:13:30,772 --> 00:13:33,272
- Why, she's absolutely crazy!
- No... just curious!

00:13:33,573 --> 00:13:36,473
You go for girls, too?
You've never seen two women making love?

00:13:37,674 --> 00:13:38,874

00:13:38,975 --> 00:13:41,075
You've turned us off. It won't work.

00:13:41,276 --> 00:13:42,676
Go on, just pretend.

00:13:46,077 --> 00:13:48,177
I'm afraid!

00:13:52,378 --> 00:13:56,178
That's not bad for a start.
Come on, hurry! Hurry!

00:14:18,280 --> 00:14:20,480
Yes, that's it!

00:14:22,281 --> 00:14:24,581
- You little bitch!
- Don't be rude.

00:14:25,282 --> 00:14:28,582
Go on! Get going!
Show me what you can do.

00:14:34,583 --> 00:14:36,083
Now lick her!

00:14:37,184 --> 00:14:38,684
Go on! Lick her!

00:14:40,685 --> 00:14:42,985
Lower... to her pubes!

00:15:25,186 --> 00:15:28,286
I want to see everything!

00:15:29,487 --> 00:15:30,687
Lick it!

00:15:31,088 --> 00:15:33,088
Suck it!
Go on, eat it!

00:15:48,689 --> 00:15:50,289
Lick my foot!

00:15:51,650 --> 00:15:54,590
Yes... that's what I wanted.

00:15:57,890 --> 00:16:00,090
Your tongue... feels good!

00:16:02,791 --> 00:16:03,991

00:16:11,092 --> 00:16:12,392

00:16:15,793 --> 00:16:16,993

00:16:20,294 --> 00:16:21,594
Oh, your tongue...

00:16:22,953 --> 00:16:25,093
Hello? Is that you, sir?

00:16:25,994 --> 00:16:27,294
Am I disturbing you?

00:16:27,995 --> 00:16:30,895
I wanted to ask you to forgive
me for what happened at school.

00:16:31,796 --> 00:16:33,396
I must have sounded so stupid.

00:16:33,797 --> 00:16:39,697
Yes, yes. It really won't bother
you if I come Sunday with my uncle?

00:16:40,398 --> 00:16:43,898
Oh... thank you professor.
Thank you, Paul!

00:16:45,199 --> 00:16:49,099
- I'll dream about it all night long.
- Sure, sure. Goodbye!

00:16:54,600 --> 00:16:58,200
- Wrong number, darling?
- It was Brigitte, sweetheart.

00:17:02,501 --> 00:17:07,001
You know, I really pity that girl.
She's head over heels in love with you!

00:17:07,502 --> 00:17:09,002

00:17:09,503 --> 00:17:11,103
She's still only a child!

00:17:11,104 --> 00:17:15,804
Oh, only a child? No doubt she thinks
of you when she plays with herself!

00:17:16,405 --> 00:17:18,805
Me too, when I was a schoolgirl.

00:17:18,806 --> 00:17:22,506
I also thought I was passionately
in love with one of my professors.

00:17:22,507 --> 00:17:24,307
I used to do it, too!

00:17:26,308 --> 00:17:29,208
You never told me that,
you little pervert!

00:17:30,109 --> 00:17:32,109
Now, as punishment...

00:17:33,410 --> 00:17:34,910
... you must show
me what you used to do!

00:17:35,010 --> 00:17:39,010
No! You're not going to make
me regress to my neurotic childhood?

00:17:39,511 --> 00:17:41,311
It was fun, though. Wasn't it?

00:17:41,412 --> 00:17:44,782
It was better than nothing.
Until I knew you!

00:17:45,083 --> 00:17:48,683
When you don't have a
man standing by, it relieves you.

00:17:49,584 --> 00:17:52,684
- Darling, if you want to try her...
- Try who?

00:17:52,985 --> 00:17:55,685
Why, your little Brigitte. Who else?

00:17:59,686 --> 00:18:02,686
I'll let you do it,
Paul, because I love you!

00:18:03,487 --> 00:18:07,500
And because I have confidence in you.
In us!

00:18:08,400 --> 00:18:12,088
Because our love can only
last if each is free to do as he wants.

00:18:12,589 --> 00:18:14,289
That's very nice, my Gabby ...

00:18:15,190 --> 00:18:18,990
... but freedom for me means loving you!

00:18:19,491 --> 00:18:21,291
Sharing everything with you.

00:18:22,792 --> 00:18:24,592
You know that!

00:18:25,393 --> 00:18:33,093
Yes, I know. But if one day,
you weren't really in love ...

00:18:33,094 --> 00:18:39,094
... but, let's say, aroused by a
girl who is younger, more beautiful...

00:18:40,195 --> 00:18:41,895
You're crazy!

00:18:43,296 --> 00:18:45,196
What's gotten into you, Gabby?

00:18:45,497 --> 00:18:49,397
I just occurred to me that my husband,
after ten years of marriage...

00:18:49,998 --> 00:18:55,598
I repeat, there's only one woman for me.
And you're the only one I love!
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
100:00:37,550 --> 00:00:48,385THE THOUSAND AND ONEPERVERSIONS OF FELICIA200:01:42,400 --> 00:01:44,500I think it was pretty oddto name her daughter Felicia.300:01:45,501 --> 00:01:48,501But I always maintained thatyour friend Vicky was a little crazy.400:01:48,802 --> 00:01:51,602Felicia... I think it's a pretty name.500:01:52,503 --> 00:01:54,403Perhaps, but she still has a lot of nerve.600:01:54,604 --> 00:01:57,404To expect you to look after herdaughter after not writing for six years.700:01:57,705 --> 00:02:00,005Of course the greatMrs. Benson had to leave Australia ...800:02:00,006 --> 00:02:02,306... to treat her middle-classdepression in a Swiss clinic.900:02:08,200 --> 00:02:09,607Ah! There she is!1000:02:15,508 --> 00:02:17,108A bad guess.1100:02:17,209 --> 00:02:18,809Still... she's nice to look at.1200:02:19,610 --> 00:02:21,010Ah! That one!1300:02:24,711 --> 00:02:26,211Felicia!1400:02:28,312 --> 00:02:30,612- Did you have a pleasant flight?- I hate flying.1500:02:30,913 --> 00:02:32,913In that case, you mustbe very happy to be here.1600:02:34,214 --> 00:02:36,014Come on, we'll go get the car.1700:02:36,515 --> 00:02:38,115I hate cars.1800:02:38,816 --> 00:02:41,516The house isn't very far.Just past Deauville.1900:02:42,717 --> 00:02:44,617- Quite close to the sea.- I hate the sea.2000:02:46,718 --> 00:02:48,018Let's go...2100:02:57,319 --> 00:02:58,919If we squeeze in a bit...2200:03:01,520 --> 00:03:05,020Two women sure take up alot of space, compared to one man.2300:03:06,321 --> 00:03:09,021I'm sure the three ofus will be very cozy together.2400:03:09,722 --> 00:03:11,522I never wanted to come here.2500:03:50,023 --> 00:03:51,623This is your room.2600:03:55,224 --> 00:03:56,924Do you like it?2700:03:59,825 --> 00:04:01,325The bathroom?2800:04:01,326 --> 00:04:02,826In here...2900:04:07,127 --> 00:04:09,127Three weeks withher around is all we need!3000:04:10,328 --> 00:04:14,228Oh well...I think I'll fix us some lunch.3100:04:14,429 --> 00:04:16,429You have a class at 2:00 this afternoon.3200:04:31,830 --> 00:04:34,030When I catch you,I'm going to rape you!3300:05:20,631 --> 00:05:24,531It's true!You're as excited as a school boy, Paul.3400:05:47,632 --> 00:05:48,832Oh, yes...3500:06:36,153 --> 00:06:37,400Faster...3600:06:40,134 --> 00:06:43,434Faster! Yes, yes! Faster!3700:07:08,537 --> 00:07:09,837No cheating!3800:07:10,138 --> 00:07:11,338Wait a minute!3900:07:13,239 --> 00:07:14,739I want to cum inside you!4000:07:15,840 --> 00:07:17,040With you!4100:11:32,842 --> 00:11:36,042You're very charming, but it's just thatyou're not exactly what I was looking for ...4200:11:36,043 --> 00:11:37,443... the cover of my third album.4300:11:38,244 --> 00:11:42,744Oh well, I'll call the agency.You can go get dressed now.4400:11:42,745 --> 00:11:44,245Thank you anyway.4500:11:47,946 --> 00:11:51,046I'll let you girls dresswhile I phone the agency.4600:11:51,847 --> 00:11:56,147Shit! I'm fed up with these artistswho never know what the hell they want!4700:11:56,348 --> 00:11:58,648Too bad. She was very sweet.4800:11:59,349 --> 00:12:02,949For a moment there, I figured she wasa lesbian when she began to caress me.4900:12:03,250 --> 00:12:06,250And you're the one who alwayssays don't mix business and pleasure.5000:12:06,651 --> 00:12:09,151As the saying goes,"The best laid plans..."5100:12:09,352 --> 00:12:10,352No willpower...5200:12:20,253 --> 00:12:23,353This is the real thing!She's not poor, I can guarantee you that!5300:12:24,154 --> 00:12:26,354Hey! Are you crazy?What if she walks in?5400:12:26,655 --> 00:12:28,555I heard her on the telephone.5500:12:29,056 --> 00:12:31,156As long as she keepstalking, there's no danger.5600:12:31,357 --> 00:12:34,157- But it's wrong!- Oh, nonsense!5700:12:38,358 --> 00:12:39,558We're safe!5800:12:42,159 --> 00:12:46,109If they're fake, it makes no difference.And if they're real, it's worth a try.5900:12:47,260 --> 00:12:48,460Someone's in the closet!6000:12:53,561 --> 00:12:54,761Leave me alone!6100:12:57,662 --> 00:12:59,062Give it to me! Give me that!6200:12:59,063 --> 00:13:01,663No!If you grab it, I'll scream my head off.6300:13:02,164 --> 00:13:05,764And I took a very pretty picture!Gabrielle will be delighted to see it.6400:13:06,005 --> 00:13:07,965Alright, what do you want?Who are you?6500:13:08,166 --> 00:13:10,466What does she want?What will she do with it?6600:13:10,467 --> 00:13:13,467Nothing... if...6700:13:13,568 --> 00:13:15,768If what? What if she walks in?6800:13:24,069 --> 00:13:25,569There's no danger.6900:13:27,070 --> 00:13:28,070Go on. Show me what you were doing.7000:13:28,071 --> 00:13:30,171- What?- Making love!7100:13:30,772 --> 00:13:33,272- Why, she's absolutely crazy!- No... just curious!7200:13:33,573 --> 00:13:36,473You go for girls, too?You've never seen two women making love?7300:13:37,674 --> 00:13:38,874Hurry!7400:13:38,975 --> 00:13:41,075You've turned us off. It won't work.7500:13:41,276 --> 00:13:42,676Go on, just pretend.7600:13:46,077 --> 00:13:48,177I'm afraid!7700:13:52,378 --> 00:13:56,178That's not bad for a start.Come on, hurry! Hurry!7800:14:18,280 --> 00:14:20,480Yes, that's it!7900:14:22,281 --> 00:14:24,581- You little bitch!- Don't be rude.8000:14:25,282 --> 00:14:28,582Go on! Get going!Show me what you can do.8100:14:34,583 --> 00:14:36,083Now lick her!8200:14:37,184 --> 00:14:38,684Go on! Lick her!8300:14:40,685 --> 00:14:42,985Lower... to her pubes!8400:15:25,186 --> 00:15:28,286Hurry!I want to see everything!8500:15:29,487 --> 00:15:30,687Lick it!8600:15:31,088 --> 00:15:33,088Suck it!Go on, eat it!8700:15:48,689 --> 00:15:50,289Lick my foot!8800:15:51,650 --> 00:15:54,590Yes... that's what I wanted.8900:15:57,890 --> 00:16:00,090Your tongue... feels good!9000:16:02,791 --> 00:16:03,991Yes...9100:16:11,092 --> 00:16:12,392Gently...9200:16:15,793 --> 00:16:16,993Yes...9300:16:20,294 --> 00:16:21,594Oh, your tongue...9400:16:22,953 --> 00:16:25,093Hello? Is that you, sir?9500:16:25,994 --> 00:16:27,294Am I disturbing you?9600:16:27,995 --> 00:16:30,895I wanted to ask you to forgiveme for what happened at school.9700:16:31,796 --> 00:16:33,396I must have sounded so stupid.9800:16:33,797 --> 00:16:39,697Yes, yes. It really won't botheryou if I come Sunday with my uncle?9900:16:40,398 --> 00:16:43,898Oh... thank you professor.Thank you, Paul!10000:16:45,199 --> 00:16:49,099- I'll dream about it all night long.- Sure, sure. Goodbye!10100:16:54,600 --> 00:16:58,200- Wrong number, darling?- It was Brigitte, sweetheart.10200:17:02,501 --> 00:17:07,001You know, I really pity that girl.She's head over heels in love with you!
00:17:07,502 --> 00:17:09,002

00:17:09,503 --> 00:17:11,103
She's still only a child!

00:17:11,104 --> 00:17:15,804
Oh, only a child? No doubt she thinks
of you when she plays with herself!

00:17:16,405 --> 00:17:18,805
Me too, when I was a schoolgirl.

00:17:18,806 --> 00:17:22,506
I also thought I was passionately
in love with one of my professors.

00:17:22,507 --> 00:17:24,307
I used to do it, too!

00:17:26,308 --> 00:17:29,208
You never told me that,
you little pervert!

00:17:30,109 --> 00:17:32,109
Now, as punishment...

00:17:33,410 --> 00:17:34,910
... you must show
me what you used to do!

00:17:35,010 --> 00:17:39,010
No! You're not going to make
me regress to my neurotic childhood?

00:17:39,511 --> 00:17:41,311
It was fun, though. Wasn't it?

00:17:41,412 --> 00:17:44,782
It was better than nothing.
Until I knew you!

00:17:45,083 --> 00:17:48,683
When you don't have a
man standing by, it relieves you.

00:17:49,584 --> 00:17:52,684
- Darling, if you want to try her...
- Try who?

00:17:52,985 --> 00:17:55,685
Why, your little Brigitte. Who else?

00:17:59,686 --> 00:18:02,686
I'll let you do it,
Paul, because I love you!

00:18:03,487 --> 00:18:07,500
And because I have confidence in you.
In us!

00:18:08,400 --> 00:18:12,088
Because our love can only
last if each is free to do as he wants.

00:18:12,589 --> 00:18:14,289
That's very nice, my Gabby ...

00:18:15,190 --> 00:18:18,990
... but freedom for me means loving you!

00:18:19,491 --> 00:18:21,291
Sharing everything with you.

00:18:22,792 --> 00:18:24,592
You know that!

00:18:25,393 --> 00:18:33,093
Yes, I know. But if one day,
you weren't really in love ...

00:18:33,094 --> 00:18:39,094
... but, let's say, aroused by a
girl who is younger, more beautiful...

00:18:40,195 --> 00:18:41,895
You're crazy!

00:18:43,296 --> 00:18:45,196
What's gotten into you, Gabby?

00:18:45,497 --> 00:18:49,397
I just occurred to me that my husband,
after ten years of marriage...

00:18:49,998 --> 00:18:55,598
I repeat, there's only one woman for me.
And you're the only one I love!
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
00: 00: 37550 -> 00: 00: 48385
ألف وONE
OF الانحرافات FELICIA 2 00: 01: 42،400 -> 00: 01: 44،500 وأعتقد أنه كان غريبا جدا . على سبيل المثال ابنتها فيليسيا 3 00: 01: 45501 -> 00: 01: 48501 لكنني حافظت دائما أن صديقك فيكي كان مجنون قليلا. 4 00: 01: 48802 -> 00: 01: 51602 . فيليسيا ... أعتقد أنه من اسم جميلة 5 00: 01: 52503 -> 00: 01: 54403 ربما، لكنها لا تزال لديها الكثير من العصبية. 6 00: 01: 54604 -> 00: 01: 57404 لنتوقع منكم أن الاعتناء بها ابنته بعد عدم الكتابة ل ست سنوات. 7 00: 01: 57705 -> 00: 02: 00005 بالطبع عظيمة السيدة كان بينسون الى مغادرة استراليا ... 8 00: 02: 00006 -> 00: 02: 02306 ... إلى علاج لها من الطبقة المتوسطة الاكتئاب في عيادة السويسرية. 9 00: 02: 08200 -> 00:02: 09607 آه! قالت هناك! 10 00: 02: 15508 -> 00: 02: 17108 تخمين سيئة. 11 00: 02: 17209 -> 00: 02: 18809 ما زال ... انها لطيفة للنظر في. 12 00:02 : 19610 -> 00: 02: 21،010 آه! أن واحدا! 13 00: 02: 24711 -> 00: 02: 26211 فيليسيا! 14 00: 02: 28312 -> 00: 02: 30612 - هل لديك رحلة ممتعة؟ أنا أكره طيران -. 15 00:02 : 30913 -> 00: 02: 32913 في هذه الحالة، يجب أن تكون سعيدة جدا لوجودي هنا. 16 00: 02: 34214 -> 00: 02: 36014 . هيا، سنذهب الحصول على السيارة 17 00 : 02: 36515 -> 00: 02: 38115 أنا أكره السيارات. 18 00: 02: 38816 -> 00: 02: 41516 المنزل ليست بعيدة جدا. مجرد الماضي دوفيل. 19 00: 02: 42717 - > 00: 02: 44617 - قريبة جدا من البحر. - أنا أكره البحر. 20 00: 02: 46718 -> 00: 02: 48018 دعنا نذهب ... 21 00: 02: 57319 -> 00:02 : 58919 إذا نشد في قليلا ... 22 00: 03: 01520 -> 00: 03: 05020 امرأتان تأكد من تناول الكثير من الفضاء، بالمقارنة مع رجل واحد. 23 00: 03: 06321 -> 00 : 03: 09021 أنا متأكد من أن ثلاثة من منا سوف يكون مريح جدا معا. 24 00: 03: 09722 -> 00: 03: 11522 لم أرغب ابدا في المجيء إلى هنا. 25 00: 03: 50023 -> 00: 03: 51623 هذا هو غرفتك. 26 00: 03: 55224 -> 00: 03: 56924 هل ترغب في ذلك؟ 27 00: 03: 59825 -> 00: 04: 01325 الحمام؟ 28 00: 04: 01326 -> 00: 04: 02826 في هنا ... 29 00: 04: 07127 -> 00: 04: 09127 ثلاثة أسابيع مع لها حول هو كل ما نحتاج إليه! 30 00: 04: 10328 -> 00:04: 14228 حسنا ... أعتقد أنني سوف إصلاح لنا بعض الغداء. 31 00: 04: 14429 -> 00: 04: 16429 لديك فئة في الساعة 2:00 بعد ظهر هذا اليوم. 32 00: 04: 31830 -> 00: 04: 34030 عندما قبض عليك، أنا ذاهب لاغتصاب لك! 33 00: 05: 20631 -> 00: 05: 24531 ! صحيح . كنت منتشيا كما صبي المدرسة، بول 34 00: 05: 47632 -> 00: 05: 48832 أوه، نعم ... 35 00: 06: 36153 -> 00: 06: 37،400 أسرع ... 36 00: 06: 40134 -> 00: 06: 43434 أسرع ! نعم، نعم! ! أسرع 37 00: 07: 08537 -> 00: 07: 09837 لا الغش! 38 00: 07: 10،138 -> 00: 07: 11338 انتظر لحظة! 39 00: 07: 13239 -> 00:07: 14739 أريد أن نائب الرئيس داخلك! 40 00: 07: 15،840 -> 00: 07: 17،040 ! معك 41 00: 11: 32842 -> 00: 11: 36042 أنت ساحرة للغاية، لكنه ما لبث أن لك لسنا بالضبط ما كنت أبحث عنه ... 42 00: 11: 36043 -> 00: 11: 37443 ... غلاف الألبوم الثالث بلدي. 43 00: 11: 38244 -> 00: 11: 42744 يا جيدا، سأتصل الوكالة. يمكنك الذهاب أرتدي ملابسي الآن. 44 00: 11: 42745 -> 00: 11: 44245 شكرا لك على أي حال. 45 00: 11: 47946 -> 00: 11: 51046 I 'ليرة لبنانية تمكنك من الفتيات اللباس بينما أنا الهاتف الوكالة. 46 00: 11: 51847 -> 00: 11: 56147 شيت! أنا سئمت من هؤلاء الفنانين الذين لا تعرف أبدا ماذا بحق الجحيم يريدون! 47 00: 11: 56348 -> 00: 11: 58648 سيئة للغاية. وكانت حلوة جدا. 48 00: 11: 59349 -> 00: 12: 02949 للحظة هناك، وأنا أحسب أنها كانت على مثليه عندما بدأت لعناق لي. 49 00: 12: 03250 -> 00:12: 06250 وكنت أحد الذين دائما يقول لا تخلط العمل والمتعة. 50 00: 12: 06651 -> 00: 12: 09151 وكما يقول المثل، "إن أفضل الخطط الموضوعة ..." 51 00:12 : 09352 -> 00: 12: 10352 لا قوة الإرادة ... 52 00: 12: 20253 -> 00: 12: 23353 ! هذا هو الشيء الحقيقي ! انها ليست فقيرة، استطيع ان اؤكد لكم ان 53 00:12: 24154 -> 00: 12: 26354 يا! هل أنت مجنون؟ ماذا لو تمشى في؟ 54 00: 12: 26655 -> 00: 12: 28555 سمعت لها على الهاتف. 55 00: 12: 29056 -> 00: 12: 31156 طالما أنها تحافظ الحديث، وليس هناك خطر. 56 00: 12: 31357 -> 00: 12: 34157 ! - ولكن من الخطأ - أوه، هراء! 57 00: 12: 38358 -> 00: 39558: 12 نحن آمنة! 58 00: 12: 42159 -> 00: 12: 46109 اذا كانا لا يزالان وهمية، وأنه لا فرق. واذا كانا لا يزالان حقيقي، فمن يستحق المحاولة. 59 00: 12: 47260 -> 00: 12: 48460 شخص ما في خزانة! 60 00: 12: 53561 -> 00: 12: 54761 ترك لي وحده! 61 00: 12: 57662 -> 00: 12: 59062 إعطائها لي! تعطي لي ذلك! 62 00: 12: 59063 -> 00: 13: 01663 لا! إذا كنت انتزاع ذلك، وأنا سوف تصرخ في رأسي. 63 00: 13: 02164 -> 00: 13: 05764 فأخذت صورة جميلة جدا! سوف غابرييل تكون سعيدة لرؤيته. 64 00: 13: 06005 -> 00: 13: 07965 حسنا، ماذا تريد؟ من أنت؟ 65 00: 13: 08166 -> 00:13 : 10466 ماذا تريد؟ ماذا ستفعل به؟ 66 00: 13: 10467 -> 00: 13: 13467 لا شيء ... إذا ... 67 00: 13: 13568 -> 00: 13: 15768 إذا ماذا؟ ماذا لو تمشى في؟ 68 00: 13: 24069 -> 00: 13: 25569 هناك أي خطر. 69 00: 13: 27070 -> 00: 13: 28070 الذهاب جرا. تبين لي ما كنت تفعل. 70 00: 13: 28071 -> 00: 13: 30171 - ماذا؟ - جعل الحب! 71 00: 13: 30772 -> 00: 13: 33272 ! - لماذا، انها مجنونة تماما - لا ... مجرد لافتة! 72 00: 13: 33573 -> 00: 13: 36473 تذهب للبنات، أيضا؟ لقد رأيت امرأتين قط صنع الحب؟ 73 00: 13: 37674 -> 00:13 : 38874 ! عجل 74 00: 13: 38975 -> 00: 13: 41075 لقد تحولت قبالة لنا. فهو لن يعمل. 75 00: 13: 41276 -> 00: 13: 42676 العودة على، فقط التظاهر. 76 00: 13: 46077 -> 00: 13: 48177 ! أخشى 77 00:13: 52378 -> 00: 13: 56178 هذا ليس سيئا للبداية. هيا، عجل! عجل! 78 00: 14: 18،280 -> 00: 14: 20،480 نعم، هذا كل شيء! 79 00: 14: 22281 -> 00: 14: 24581 - أنت العاهرة قليلا! - لا تكن وقحا. 80 00: 14: 25282 -> 00: 14: 28582 على المضي قدما! الحصول على الذهاب! أرني ما يمكنك القيام به. 81 00: 14: 34583 -> 00: 14: 36083 الآن لعق لها! 82 00: 14: 37184 -> 00: 14: 38684 على المضي قدما! لعق لها! 83 00: 14: 40685 -> 00: 14: 42985 السفلى ... لعانة لها! 84 00: 15: 25186 -> 00: 15: 28286 ! عجل ! أريد أن أرى كل شيء 85 00: 15: 29487 -> 00: 15: 30687 لعق ذلك! 86 00: 15: 31088 -> 00: 15: 33088 الإمتصاص ذلك! على الذهاب، وأكله! 87 00: 15: 48689 -> 00:15: 50289 لعق قدمي! 88 00: 15: 51650 -> 00: 15: 54590 نعم ... هذا ما أردت. 89 00: 15: 57890 -> 00: 16: 00090 لسانك ... يشعر بالارتياح! 90 00: 16: 02791 -> 00: 16: 03991 نعم ... 91 00: 16: 11092 -> 00: 16: 12392 بلطف ... 92 00: 16: 15793 -> 00: 16: 16993 نعم ... 93 00: 16: 20294 -> 00: 16: 21594 أوه، لسانك ... 94 00: 16: 22953 -> 00: 16: 25093 مرحبا؟ هو أنك يا سيدي؟ 95 00: 16: 25994 -> 00: 16: 27294 هل أنا مزعجة لك؟ 96 00: 16: 27995 -> 00: 16: 30895 أنا أريد أن أطلب منكم أن يغفر لي ما حدث في المدرسة. 97 00: 16: 31796 -> 00: 16: 33396 أنا يجب أن يكون بدا الغباء. 98 00: 16: 33797 -> 00: 16: 39697 نعم، نعم. انها حقا لن يكلف نفسه عناء لك إذا جئت اليوم مع عمي؟ 99 00: 16: 40398 -> 00: 16: 43898 أوه ... شكرا لك أستاذ. شكرا لك، بول! 100 00: 16: 45199 - > 00: 16: 49099 - أنا أحلم عن ذلك كل ليلة طويلة - بالتأكيد، بالتأكيد. وداعا! 101 00: 16: 54،600 -> 00: 16: 58،200 - عدد خاطئ، حبيبي؟ - كان بريجيت، حبيبته. 102 00: 17: 02501 -> 00: 17: 07001 أنت تعرف، أنا حقا مؤسف أن فتاة. وقالت رئيس لعلى عقب في الحب معك! 103 00: 17: 07502 -> 00: 17: 09002 ! هراء 104 00: 17: 09503 -> 00: 17: 11103 ! انها لا تزال مجرد طفل 105 00: 17: 11104 -> 00: 17: 15804 أوه، سوى طفل؟ مما لا شك فيه أنها تعتقد منكم عندما تلعب مع نفسها! 106 00: 17: 16405 -> 00: 17: 18805 أنا أيضا، عندما كنت تلميذة. 107 00: 17: 18806 -> 00: 17: 22506 I يعتقد أيضا كنت بحماس في حالة حب مع أحد أساتذتي. 108 00: 17: 22507 -> 00: 17: 24307 اعتدت أن تفعل ذلك، أيضا! 109 00: 17: 26308 -> 00: 17: 29208 أنت أبدا قال لي ذلك، كنت القليل المنحرف! 110 00: 17: 30109 -> 00: 17: 32109 الآن، كنوع من العقاب ... 111 00: 17: 33410 -> 00: 17: 34910 ... يجب أن تظهر لي ما كنت تفعل! 112 00: 17: 35010 -> 00: 17: 39010 لا! كنت لن تجعل لي التراجع إلى طفولتي العصبية؟ 113 00: 17: 39511 -> 00: 17: 41311 انها متعة، وإن كان. لم يكن ذلك؟ 114 00: 17: 41412 -> 00: 17: 44782 كان أفضل من لا شيء. حتى كنت أعرف! 115 00: 17: 45083 -> 00: 17: 48683 عندما لم يكن لديك ل رجل يقف بها، فإنه يريحك. 116 00: 17: 49584 -> 00: 17: 52684 - دارلينج، إذا كنت ترغب في محاولة لها ... - حاول من؟ 117 00: 17: 52985 -> 00: 17: 55685 لماذا، يا بريجيت قليلا. من آخر؟ 118 00: 17: 59686 -> 00: 18: 02686 أنا سوف تتيح لك القيام بذلك، بول، لأنني أحبك! 119 00: 18: 03487 -> 00: 18: 07500 ولأن لدي الثقة فيكم. وفي بنا! 120 00: 18: 08400 -> 00: 18: 12088 لأن حبنا لا يمكن إلا أن تستمر إذا كل واحد حر في أن يفعل ما يريد. 121 00: 18: 12589 -> 00:18: 14،289 هذا لطيف جدا، يا غابي ... 122 00: 18: 15،190 -> 00: 18: 18،990 ! ... ولكن الحرية بالنسبة لي يعني المحبة لك 123 00: 18: 19491 -> 00: 18: 21291 مشاركة كل شيء معك. 124 00: 18: 22792 -> 00: 18: 24592 أنت تعرف ذلك! 125 00: 18: 25393 -> 00: 18: 33093 نعم، وأنا أعلم. ولكن إذا كان في يوم واحد، أنك لم تكن حقا في الحب ... 126 00: 18: 33094 -> 00: 18: 39094 ... ولكن، دعنا نقول، أثار من قبل الفتاة التي هي أصغر سنا، وأكثر جمالا ... 127 00: 18: 40195 -> 00: 18: 41895 أنت مجنون! 128 00: 18: 43296 -> 00: 18: 45196 ما وصلت إلى أنت، غابي؟ 129 00: 18: 45497 -> 00 : 18: 49397 أنا وقعت للتو لي أن زوجي، بعد عشر سنوات من الزواج ... 130 00: 18: 49998 -> 00: 18: 55598 . وأكرر، لا يوجد سوى امرأة واحدة بالنسبة لي وكنت في واحد فقط أنا أحب!

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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