Our entire education system is based one what we accumulate each day o ترجمة - Our entire education system is based one what we accumulate each day o العربية كيف أقول

Our entire education system is base

Our entire education system is based one what we accumulate each day of our life. In spite of the fact school teachers are those who give us lots of information in a variety of fields, our parents are still the best teacher; they start their educational process as soon as we were born and never stop teaching us.
In the initial years of our life, our parents are involved including us, in modulated our personality and making us understand the difference between right and wrong. When I was five, my parents bought me a dog; they taught how to take care of them, feed him, play with him.. Thus, I learned that we have all responsibilities.
Even if parents are not specialized in education, their role in teaching the children to be aware of the need of improving their knowledge at school is tremendous. Our parents are not supposed to teach us Math, Chemistry or Biology, but they are very much involved ingiving us lessons about being independent, strong and confident in ourselves. As my mother said to me, "fight your own battles because I will not be always able to protect you."
Teenagers have to be informed about all the negative effects that can occur if using drug, drinking alcohol, or smoking. Regarding this issue, parents have to cooperate with school teachers to make children aware of those possible risks.
I believe That parents are the best teachers because their lessons last forever. My parents are old now. Even when I am a grown up person, I consider that they can still give me very good advice when I need them, based in their life experience. My parents have the most important role in my education during my life and I will always be grateful for everything they have taught me.
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
Our entire education system is based one what we accumulate each day of our life. In spite of the fact school teachers are those who give us lots of information in a variety of fields, our parents are still the best teacher; they start their educational process as soon as we were born and never stop teaching us.In the initial years of our life, our parents are involved including us, in modulated our personality and making us understand the difference between right and wrong. When I was five, my parents bought me a dog; they taught how to take care of them, feed him, play with him.. Thus, I learned that we have all responsibilities.Even if parents are not specialized in education, their role in teaching the children to be aware of the need of improving their knowledge at school is tremendous. Our parents are not supposed to teach us Math, Chemistry or Biology, but they are very much involved ingiving us lessons about being independent, strong and confident in ourselves. As my mother said to me, "fight your own battles because I will not be always able to protect you."Teenagers have to be informed about all the negative effects that can occur if using drug, drinking alcohol, or smoking. Regarding this issue, parents have to cooperate with school teachers to make children aware of those possible risks.وأعتقد أن الآباء والأمهات هي أفضل المعلمين لدروسهم يدوم إلى الأبد. والدي من العمر الآن. حتى عندما أنا شخص كبروا، وأرى أن هم يمكن لا تزال تعطي لي نصيحة جيدة جداً عندما يحتاجون إليها، على أساس في تجربتهم الحياتية. والدي دوراً أهم في جهاز التعليم خلال حياتي، وسوف تكون دائماً ممتنة لكل شيء قد علمني.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 3:[نسخ]
نظامنا التعليمي بأكمله يقوم أحد ما تتراكم كل يوم في حياتنا.وعلى الرغم من مدرسي المدارس الذين تعطينا الكثير من المعلومات في مجموعة متنوعة من المجالات، والدينا لا تزال أفضل معلمة و يبدأون العملية التعليمية في أقرب وقت ولادتنا و لا تتوقف عن تعليم لنا.في السنوات الأولى من حياتنا، والدينا هي المعنية بما في ذلك الولايات المتحدة، في التضمين شخصيتنا ويجعلنا نفهم الفرق بين الحق و خطأ.عندما كنت في الخامسة، والدي اشترى لي الكلب؛ كانوا يدرسون كيفية الاعتناء بها، فأطعمه، اللعب معه..وهكذا، لقد تعلمت أن لدينا جميع المسؤوليات.حتى لو الأهل ليسوا من المتخصصين في مجال التعليم دورها في تعليم الطفل ان تدرك ضرورة تحسين معارفهم في المدرسة هائل.والدينا لا يفترض ان يعلمونا رياضيات، كيمياء أو أحياء، لكنهم منشغلون للغاية ingiving لنا دروس عن كونها مستقلة قوية واثقين في انفسنا.لأن أمي قالت لي "ريبيكاـ تعاملى لأنني لن تكون دائما قادرة على حمايتك.المراهقين يجب أن يكون مطلعا على كل الآثار السلبية التي يمكن أن تحدث في حالة استخدام المخدرات أو شرب الكحول أو التدخين.بشأن هذه المسألة، يتعين على الوالدين التعاون مع معلمي المدارس لتوعية الأطفال من تلك المخاطر المحتملة.وأعتقد أن الآباء هم أفضل المدرسين لان الدروس تستمر إلى الأبد.والدي عمره الآن.حتى عندما أنا شخص نمت، أرى أنها لا تزال تعطيني نصائح جيدة جدا عندما كنت في حاجة لهم، ومقرها في خبرة في الحياة.والدي له الدور الأهم في دراستي في حياتي وسأظل ممتن لكل شئ فقد علمني.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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