anything, Devika says you took decision about our life and you didnt had time to talk? which trust you are talking about? i trusted you every single time, you could have told me truth, i would have believed you but you didnt do it, you sat at Saket’s place and married me with cheating, i was sitting beside you, you could have talked to me, it was not abut Saket was right or wrong for me but it was also about if i wanted to marry you or not, you could have asked me, but you did cheating and it can be done by person who has ulterior motives behind all this, you wanted money? you didnt think about anyone else, i am ashamed that i fought for you with every person, Ravi says you can think anything but dont blame me so badly, i have fulfilled my friendship, DEvika says friendship? you killed it when you sat as groom in mandap, you are selfish and you can do anything to satisfy your ego, you wanted to become rich man and you can do anything for it, you told it, you want to become rich like people whose pictures are in your room, remember that 2 crores car? you said you will make it yours, all you need is one ood chance, i never thought i will be that chance, i always thought you do everything for friendship, i am fool and you destroyed my life, now i wont be able to trust anyone, i could have understood all this when you proposed Navidita that day, but she rejected you and in your madness you made me your pawn, DEvika says you broke my marriage and married me with cheating, all this just for money and see my fate, i am wife of a person now for whom love and loyalty doenst matter, i have done mistake, huge mistake, Ravi is hurt listening all thi