النتائج (
العربية) 1:
SECTOR: HEALTHAllocationEnvelope2Associated SRP Strategic Objective AmountAllocatedHealthObjective 1: Provide integrated essential health service delivery, surveillanceand medical supplies in priority districtsObjective 2: Strengthen reproductive, maternal, new-born and child health(RMNCH) interventions, including violence against womenObjective 3: Support community-based health initiatives and sustain the mainpillars and infrastructure of the health system$13millionThe health sector is currently facing an unprecedented crisis, which has been recently exacerbatedby the financial crisis faced by the MOPHP and banking system overall. It is currently estimated thatabout 14.1 million people are in need of health services from ever fewer service providers, withmost health facilities under-resourced and over-burdened. There is a chronic shortage of medicalsupplies including for mass casualty management as well as of essential medicine for chronicdiseases. Over 520,000 pregnant women lack access to reproductive health services, whilst twomillion million acutely malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women (PLW) are in needof treatment.The main provider of humanitarian assistance is the MOPHP. However the MOPHP is facingescalating challenges in meeting the needs, as a result of the deepening political divisions, conflictescalation and more recently drastic budget cuts. Over 30 humanitarian partners are supporting theMOPHP to cope with the additional burden of diseases and excessive conflict mortality.In order to address the MOPHP and health sector financial crisis the health cluster is seeking todeliver on four prioritised basic health services and programmes in functioning health facilities (46%of facilities according to HeRAMS data), with at least one hospital per governorate together withautonomous hospitals. This support will be coupled with both international and internal advocacy,as well as technical assistance to the MOPHP in restructuring health financing (includingintroduction of national, community and facility-based risk and resource pooling schemes), togetherwith the strengthening of coordination efforts.Health Eligible Programme Areas: Prevention and control of communicable diseases (immunization, and diseasesurveillance and outbreak response) Essential Health Service Package to be delivered at the district level including maternaland new born health, child health and immunization, nutrition, trauma care, CD andNCD, health education, MHPSS and rehabilitation of facilities. HPF Strategy Paper - Second Standard Allocation 2016 | 6United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)Coordination Saves Lives | http://www.unocha.org/yemen/about-hpf-yemen Secondary Hospital Package, especially trauma and obstetric care, and of treatmentmedical and surgical emergencies and NCDs. Sustaining essential medical supply pipelines.
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