النتائج (
العربية) 1:
SECTOR: SHELTER, NFI & CCCMAllocationEnvelope4Associated SRP Strategic Objective AmountAllocatedShelter,NFI &CCCMObjective 1: Provide adequate shelters solutions and non-food items to themost vulnerableObjective 2: Ensure access to basic services for the most vulnerable living incollective centres and settlementsObjective 3: Strengthen local stakeholders’ capacity for Shelter, NFI & CCCMresponse$8 millionThe Shelter / NFI / CCCM Cluster has prioritised four critical activities for response in the comingmonths. This prioritisation is the reflection of the IDP response plans developed by the Hubs in linewith the IDP strategy of the Humanitarian Country Team, as well as cluster preparedness plansahead of winter and in case of any unforeseen emergencies.As a first priority the Cluster wants to find alternative shelter solutions for IDPs who are currentlyliving in schools. With the start of the school year, IDPs are facing tremendous pressure from thehost community and local authorties to vacate the premises. An estimated 280 schools acrossYemen are currently occupied by IDPs. The Shelter / NFI / CCCM Cluster’s partners have puttremendous efforts in establishing dialogue with the authorities and the IDPs and federatingimplementing partners around this issue to find solutions together with the Education Cluster.Funding is required urgently to translate talks into action through concrete projects. This activityneeds to be implemented in conjuction with the WASH and Food Security Clusters.Furthermore, in line with the Yemen IDP Strategy and in relation to the first priority, the cluster islooking to set-up the monitoring of Collective Centres (CC) and Spontaneous Sites (SS) currentlyhosting around 424,600 displaced persons, in order to collect multisector data and respondadequately to their needs. As displacement becomes more prolonged it is likely that the number ofIDPs taking refuge in these facilities will rise. Tensions between IDPs and host communities isalready on the rise as resources get depleted. Thorough monitoring is essential to assess the level oftension and to plan adequate response in order to mitigate the risk of pressure, threats andexclusion of already vulnerable displaced persons.As third priority, there is an urgent requirement to procure and warehouse a strategic contingencystock of NFI and emergency shelter kits across the country to serve a minimum of 10,000 vulnerablehouseholds in case of a sudden natural disaster related emergency (e.g. floods, storms, hurricanes). HPF Strategy Paper - Second Standard Allocation 2016 | 8United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)Coordination Saves Lives | http://www.unocha.org/yemen/about-hpf-yemenThe last flooding events in Yemen have unfortunately demonstrated the lack of availablecontingency stocks. This activity needs to be implemented in conjuction with the WASH and FoodSecurity Clusters.And lastly the Cluster will focus on the winterisation plan between October 2016 to March 2017. Asat least 57,550 vulnerable households are likely to suffer from cold weather, there is a need forurgent winterisation assistance through the provision of basic non-food items (such as blankets andclothes) and upgrading / repair of shelters.Shelter, NFI & CCCM Eligible Programme Areas: Finding alternative shelter solutions for internally displaced persons (IDP) currently residing in schools andfacing pressure from the community to vacate the premises. Developing decentralised contingency stocks for NFI and emergency shelter kits for rapid response incase of natural disaster related emergencies (i.e. flood, storm, hurricanes). Monitoring of Collective Centres (CC) and Spontaneous Sites (SS) to determine and respond to urgentneeds and gaps in assistance for some of the most vulnerable IDPs. Providing winterisation support to the most vulnerable affected population
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