Technology has become a part of our lives. --- this sentence is weak, because it does not say anything interesting or meaningful. Can you extend it and add some ajectives?
that contribution technology has made to modern life has been really positive and has helped to improve the quality of human lives.
The first reason for me to believe appreciate the contribution technology made to modern life is just the fact that it enhances daily life to unprecedented levels.
As women increase their roles in society in the last times, daily homework such is cook, make laundry or vacuum take less time to do it than before, and its permits women to dedicate this time to other activities such is study, working, and other activities. --- No. It is not technology that enables women to get educations. Modern society would be improving the lives of women even if vacuum cleaners had never been invented!! Be careful not to sound like you expect women to do the housework. You can do the housework and let your wife go to earn money. Women are superior to men in many ways, including tolerance of pain, intuition, and freedom from neurotic compulsions to dominate and conquer things. Men can be pretty neurotic, and women have wisdom that we lack. So, be careful not to write in a way that assumes they belong in the kitchen, doing laundry, etc. You and I belong in the kitchen and doing laundry. :-)
Not only the d Daily live is benefited by advances of technology, and it is also true that professional fields are enhanced by it. A professional field that is enhanced by technology is medicine. Thanks to advances in technology, many diseases that before was were the cause of massive death, now is are things of the past. With the advances in technology, scientists and doctors find different vaccines to help people be healthier. The medical ...
Most importantly, we can see how scientific scientists are in the process of looking for the solution ...
... and they can infuse these this information into a lesson, making the lesson related with real life situations for students. --- very good!!
In the final analysis, I think the benefits technology offers to improve the quality of life ...
Ultimately, technology is developed by people to help improve the quality of human lives, and all of us are using technological advances in many different ways, also to indicate that it is controllable.