Supply of Pharmaceuticals for 6 Health Facilities in Sana'a Governorate
Preferred vendor for Supply of pharmaceuticals for 6 health facilities in Saafan , Manakhah and Nihm , Sana’a Governorate
Ref: RI / YEM/ SAN/16/ 284
RELIEF INTERNATIONAL Yemen intends to advertise a preferred vendor for Supply of pharmaceuticals for 6 health facilities in
Saafan , Manakhah and Nihm , Sana’a Governorate for one year contract extendable subject to fund availability and price stability
The tender dossier is available from :-
Behind Germany empassy , Haddah ,Sanaa
All tenderes must submit a stamped with the letter head of thier companies to RI requesting to have the tender documents .
All RI tender documents should be signed and stamped by the tenderes , then to be sent back to RI in sealed envelop .
All RI terms ,conditions and policies must be accepted by the tenderes .
Only medical companies offer will be included .
Any late offer will be denied .
The deadline for submission of tenders is
27 th October 2016 , at 03 :30 PM