In one of the airports lady was waiting for her plane
and when the long-awaited - bought the biscuit box and read a book waiting for the plane and began
read ... ... During the ... read the book to her side sat a man reading a book and taking too
When I started to eat the first piece of biscuit was placed on the chair beside her I was surprised that the man began to eat a piece of biscuit, which was the same enclosure is eat them
began nervously thinking that Tlkmh punch in the face to the lack of taste
Whenever she was eating biscuits out of the box was a man examines a piece also been getting Aspetha
but suppressed anger
and when left in the enclosure only one piece looked at it and wondered, "I wonder what he will do this guy a little taste now?"
Department of amazed man piece into two halves and then eat half and leave the other half her
she said to herself, "This is not likely,"
Kzmt anger again and took her book and began to board the plane
After that I sat down in her seat plane opened her purse Taking surprised by the existence of biscuits its own as it is encapsulated by the bagful!!
Shock was great and I felt very ashamed
Only then I realized that its case was all the time in her purse and she was eating out of the box of men!!
I realized later that the man was very gracious with her and denominator biscuits its own without grumbling or complaining!!
And increased their sense of shame and disgrace, where you do not find the time or the words appropriate to apologize to the man about what happened from a lack of taste!
There are always things if we lost, you can not retrieve it:
you can not retrieve the stone after delivering
you can not retrieve the words after the pronunciation
You can not retrieve the opportunity after the loss
you can not retrieve the youth after his departure
You can not recover time after passing