Karin Jurick is an artist working in Atlanta, GA. She wanted to be an illustrator when she started college. "Instead, I ended up helping my parents run a business - and after losing both my mom and dad - I became the owner. My shop is now in its 28th year and thanks to an outstanding staff, I'm now able to step back and paint most of the week." Like many artists, there were several years where her art laid dormant. In her case it was fifteen years. Then, in 2004 she started painting. "I sold enough on eBay to build a studio in my back yard - then I began using oils for the first time." That lead her to selling more paintings on eBay, which later led to having her work represented in a couple of galleries. Karin specializes in capturing simple moments in daily life. She paints in oils in a very loose and expressive way - a painterly realist.