Jack: Hi, Rami!
Rami: Oh, hi, Jack! How are you?
Jack: Fine, thanks. And how are you?
Rami: Really well. I haven’t seen you for ages!
Jack: Oh, that’s partly because we were away at school
camp in the Lake District for a week.
Rami: What was that like?
Jack: It was really good.
Rami: What did you do there?
Jack: Jenny did a lot of sailing, and I did a lot of climbing.
Rami: Nice. But that was in the middle of the summer
holidays, wasn’t it? What have you been doing since
Jack: Well, for the last three weeks, I’ve been playing a lot
of football. I’ve been training really hard for a place
in City’s junior team.
Rami: Wow! Have you been training every day?
Jack: Well, almost every day.
Rami: That means you’re going to be really fit for the
treasure hunt today.
Jack: I’ve certainly managed to get a lot fitter than I was!
Anyway, what have you been doing?
Rami: Oh, I haven’t been doing anything very special. In
my free time, I’ve mostly been helping Mum and
Dad move to their new shop.
Jack: Well, that sounds a lot of fun.
Rami: No, not really. It’s mostly been a lot of hard work!
But they’ve been paying me.
Jack: That’s very nice of them!
Rami: Yes, and that means I’ve been able to do one very
nice thing.
Jack: Oh? What’s that?
Rami: I’ve bought the new SK75 phone.
Jack: That really is something special. Have you got it
with you?
Rami: Yes, look. Here it is. I’m really pleased with it.