Hi, my dearest friend Yusuf!!! I am very glad to read your letter.
Your genuine attention like me! I am very glad that our relationship
continues. I have a close person I can tell anything to, and that
person - are you Yusuf. I feel that you're really good, close and
sensual friend. Can you understand me, trust me, this is very
important. With you I can talk about everything. Trust, understanding
is the key to a strong and long relationship. I want to tell you about
my past experience. I had the man I loved. We lived with him, but our
relationship was registered. We parted with him for a long time he
cheated on me. I would not like to think about it. I hope that my life
will not happen again. I want our relationship went to the next level,
I want to understand and explain a lot! I hope you will understand me
and support!!! Your letters are only good feelings in me! I send you
some my photos. Your Marina.