4.2.1 During normal 24 hour operations the Count shall be undertaken during the following gaming session at approximately 10am. All counts must be conducted in the presence of the BR with the OCR present for the Table Count and Machine Count.
4.2.2 Whilst the count is conducted during the following gaming session, the removal of the drop boxes must be undertaken immediately following the close of each table and after the table close slip has been placed down the drop box.
4.2.3 At a suitable time before the completion of the Casino Closedown, the DM will designate staff to collect all replacement tip boxes and drop boxes from the Count Room and transport these firstly to the Cash Desk via the count room lift.
4.2.4 The replacement tip and drop boxes are then to be taken from the cash desk ‘fill/credit window’ to the individual pit where the box is to be replaced. The boxes should be taken to the appropriate table.
4.2.5 Prior to the Count commencing it is the responsibility of the DC to ensure that the count room is locked and the room secure using all available locking systems. The Count Room will then remain secured until such time as the count commences.
4.2.6 Except for the addition of the OCR following the Tip Count or in the case of an emergency, no person/s should enter or leave the count room nor should the door be opened at any time, until the count is finished, the cash and chips consolidated and all assets are secure. Prior to the OCR (or another in the event of an emergency) entering the count room, Surveillance must be informed.
4.2.7 Count proceedings are to be conducted in English however it is acceptable to repeat in Arabic if required.
4.2.8 Each tip and drop box must have its own unique identifier. All tip and drop boxes must be marked with the location name and number, whether that is the table type and number, the machine name and number or other location.
4.2.9 All movement of drop boxes and cash desk assets between the count room and cash desk must be undertaken using the cash desk/count room lift.