Envelope 5 Associated SRP Strategic Objective Amount
Assessment • Objective 1: Improving information management (IM) and
strategic assessments in priority areas $2 million
In Yemen, the availability of high quality, accurate and reliable data for evidence-based planning is
quite scarce. This is particularly due to restricted physical access, population movements, insecurity
and limited partner capacity and resources. The development process of the Humanitarian Needs
Overview (HNO) has reiterated that assessments clearly linked to programme planning are limited.
For example, while several assessments were completed during the year, only few were directly
related to the information needed for planning as defined by clusters.
The current context requires a harmonized assessment approach, in which multiple assessments are
completed and contribute to commonly defined information needs. Simultaneously, this approach
maximises the contribution of every assessment to planning, maximises efficiency of resources and
minimises the burden on the affected community. Recognizing these challenges, the
Assessment/Monitoring working group, a technical working group of the ICCM, has made significant
progress to ensure that assessments contribute to planning, are designed based on agreed formats
and sound methodologies, implemented in accordance with humanitarian principles and needs
(accountability), and that the analysis relates to key humanitarian planning processes.
Funding under this envelope, will support addressing the identified information needs as defined by
the HNO severity indicators and the cluster needs indicators. While specific sectoral assessment
strategies (including capacity building) can be supported by this allocation, it is expected that each
funded initiative will contribute to the coordinated assessment approach of the response. This
should include: timely implementation and dissemination of results, participating in relevant
coordination meetings and adherence to any quality standards agreed upon by the ICCM.
HPF Strategy Paper - Second Standard Allocation 2016 | 9
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Coordination Saves Lives |
Assessment Eligible Focus Areas:
Multi-sectoral assessments, with direct linkages to HNO and cluster information needs,
including emergency assessments.
Assessments in areas with limited assessments conducted during 2016 (i.e. Sa’ada).
In-depth sectoral assessments that require specific and highly technical capacity to
conduct (i.e. SMART survey, coverage assessments etc.).
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
SECTOR: ASSESSMENTAllocationEnvelope 5 Associated SRP Strategic Objective AmountAllocatedAssessment • Objective 1: Improving information management (IM) andstrategic assessments in priority areas $2 millionIn Yemen, the availability of high quality, accurate and reliable data for evidence-based planning isquite scarce. This is particularly due to restricted physical access, population movements, insecurityand limited partner capacity and resources. The development process of the Humanitarian NeedsOverview (HNO) has reiterated that assessments clearly linked to programme planning are limited.For example, while several assessments were completed during the year, only few were directlyrelated to the information needed for planning as defined by clusters.The current context requires a harmonized assessment approach, in which multiple assessments arecompleted and contribute to commonly defined information needs. Simultaneously, this approachmaximises the contribution of every assessment to planning, maximises efficiency of resources andminimises the burden on the affected community. Recognizing these challenges, theAssessment/Monitoring working group, a technical working group of the ICCM, has made significantprogress to ensure that assessments contribute to planning, are designed based on agreed formatsand sound methodologies, implemented in accordance with humanitarian principles and needs(المساءلة)، وأن التحليل يتعلق بالإنسانية الرئيسية في عمليات التخطيط.التمويل في إطار هذا الظرف، سيتم دعم التصدي للاحتياجات من المعلومات المحددة حسب تعريفمؤشرات خطورة HNO والكتلة يحتاج المؤشرات. بينما التقييم القطاعية المحددةيمكن دعم الاستراتيجيات (بما في ذلك بناء القدرات) بهذا التوزيع، فمن المتوقع أن كلسوف تسهم مبادرة ممولة نهج تقييم منسقة للاستجابة. وهذاوينبغي أن تشمل: التنفيذ في الوقت المناسب ونشر النتائج، والمشاركة في ذات الصلةاجتماعات التنسيق والالتزام بأية معايير الجودة المتفق عليها المؤتمر. ورقة استراتيجية هبف-2016 تخصيص القياسية الثانية | 9مكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية (OCHA)يحفظ التنسيق حياة |تقييم مجالات التركيز المؤهلة:تقييمات متعددة القطاعات، مع روابط مباشرة لاحتياجات المعلومات HNO والكتلة،بما في ذلك التقييمات الطارئة.إجراء تقييمات في المناطق مع تقييمات محدودة خلال عام 2016 (أي صعدة).المتعمق التقييمات القطاعية التي تتطلب قدرات معينة ودرجة عالية من التقنية إلىسلوك (مسح أي الذكية، تغطية التقييمات إلخ.).
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